Kazushige Matsuda

Associate Professor at Keio University

Research Interests: Macroeconomics and Labor Economics. The interaction between universities, firms, and the labor market.

Education: Ph.D. Princeton University (2019)

Email: kazu.matsuda [at] keio.jp


Working Papers

University Research and the Market for Higher Education (with Titan Alon and Damien Capelle) R&R at AEJ Macro


Progressive Taxation versus College Subsidies with College Dropout Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking (2024)

College Education and Income Contingent Loans in Equilibrium (with Karol Mazur) Journal of Monetary Economics (2022)

Optimal Timing of College Subsidies: Enrollment, Graduation, and the Skill Premium European Economic Review (2020)

Research in Progress

Alumni as Assets: Legacy Preferences and Donations in a Dynamic Model of Elite Colleges (with Damien Capelle and Alexander Monge-Naranjo)

Single Parents, Separation, and Fertility in Equilibrium (with Minamo Mikoshiba)