Kyoto University

KI-ZU-NA Online Language-exchange

What is KI-ZU-NA Online Language-exchange

Kyoto University Student Lounge KI-ZU-NA (KIZUNA), meaning "bonds" in Japanese, opened in the spring of 2002 as a place for students to create bonds of friendship across borders.

KIZUNA now expands its platform to online space and has launched a new tool, “KIZUNA Online Language-exchange Bulletin Board”, to connect Kyoto University students looking for someone to teach them a language in exchange for lessons in their own languages with students who have the same wish.

Use this new tool to dive into the KU community and get more opportunities to practice languages, deepen mutual understanding of each culture, and make new friends from all over the world!


Step1-1 - Register yourself -

First, please register your information from online application form below.

【Registration Form(Click here)】

Step1-2 - Get the LE number -

Upon confirming your registration, Student Lounge KI-ZU-NA updates your information on the online bulletin board and send a notification email with your "LE number (e.g. LE0000)" to identify your registration to you when it is ready. (Please keep this LE number safe as you will need the number to send a contact request, deletion request and other inquiries.) 


Step2-1 - Check the online bulletin board -

Step2-2 - Send a request to KI-ZU-NA -

Please fill out the form below to get an email address of the person you would like to contact. You will receive a reply from KI-ZU-NA within 2-3 business days.

* In principle, you may apply for the Contact Info Request Form of up to three times (three people) per month.

【Contact Info Request Form (Click here)】

Step2-3 - Send an email to the person -

Please write your LE number and use your KU email address when you send the first message to the person to prove that you are a KU student. 

Step2-4 - Enjoy language-exchange! -

It is up to you and the person whether to start language-exchange or not and which communication tool you use. 

Online Language-exchange Bulletin Board

This bulletin board is updated and organized by Student Lounge KI-ZU-NA. 

This list is sorted from newest to oldest.

◇◇◇KI-ZU-NA Online Language-exchange bulletin board◇◇◇



Please fill out the form below to update your information and/or participation status.

Please note that you may receive emails from those who are interested in the language exchange with you if they had already seen your information before your profile was updated. In this case, please explain them that you have suspended participation or updated your information on the language exchange bulletin board.

【User Status Update Form(Click here)】 



Q: How many times can I apply for the Contact Info Request Form? 

A: In principle, you may apply for the Contact Info Request Form of up to three times (three people) per month.

Q: What should I be aware of when writing my self-introduction?

A: We strongly recommend you not to reveal your private information (name, phone number, social media account, etc.) in your self-introduction. Also, please avoid using the languages that are not appropriate to be presented on the KI-ZU-NA’s official website (slangs, jargons, etc.). Inappropriate expressions/private information will be deleted without your permission if recognized by KI-ZU-NA.

Q: Are there any rules that I should be aware of ?

A: “KI-ZU-NA” expects all participants to enjoy and feel comfortable in the language exchange. 

To make good use of it, you should be aware of three things: