
Please read the terms of service (the "Terms") carefully before using the mobile application services (the "Services"), as they constitute your relationship with our app (the "app" or "us" or "our" ). In order to use this software or any other product or service offered by the company, you need to agree to the terms and privacy policy, both when you first open our application and when we make any material changes to it. If you do not accept these terms or our Privacy Policy, please do not use the Services and contact us immediately to terminate your account, either as a guest or as a registered user.

Rights and obligations

1. Prohibited conduct

You must not engage in any illegal activity on Company assets, including the following, if you do or attempt to do so, you may be subject to applicable laws and/or regulations.

Conduct that disrupts or is likely to disrupt public order or morals:

· Infringe the intellectual property rights (such as copyrights, trademarks, patents, design rights, etc.), reputation rights, privacy rights or other statutory or contractual rights of the Company and/or third parties;

· Spread or publish excessively violent, sexually explicit, race, nationality, creed, gender, social status and other discriminatory remarks, induce or promote suicide, self-harm, drug use, and other anti-discriminatory remarks. social content and offending others;

· Impersonate a company and/or a third party, or knowingly spread false information;

· The act of spamming an unspecified number of users;

· for sale, promotion, advertising, solicitation or other profit-making purposes (except as permitted by the Company), sexual or obscene conduct, solicitation or solicitation for prostitution, defamation, libel or insult to other users;

· Provide benefits, sympathy or support to criminal organizations and/or anti-social groups engaged in terrorism, violence, drugs, human trafficking, etc.;

· Encourage other users to participate in religious activities or join religious organizations;

· You must not use your professional knowledge to interfere with the normal use of the application or service;

· You may not do or engage in any conduct that violates these Terms, User Guide, etc.

2. Personal Information Protection

The company strives to protect your personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Please refer to the Privacy Policy section for details.

Changes to Terms

We may change these terms at any time and if we do, we will do our best to notify you in advance, although this may not always be possible. If we modify these terms, your continued use of the Service after the modification will be deemed your agreement to the modified terms. If you do not agree to any of these terms, please delete your account immediately, which will accordingly terminate these terms.

Additional Agreements and Terms

Your access to and use of the Services is also governed by our Privacy Policy, Community Policy and our other policies, which can be found directly in the app.

If you have any feedback, comments, requests for technical support relating to the term, please send to ding46810@gamil.com