[Tile Style Decals ]


Kitchen tile stickers are an accessible and affordable way to play up the style in your favorite room of the house. Available in a wide variety of colors and materials, backsplashes can be customized to any look that suits your style. No matter the material you choose, the backsplash can easily be considered the most important focal point of your kitchen's design.

Tile is the most popular choice for a kitchen backsplash, known for its flexibility in style, application, and affordability. Tile of all shapes, colors, and sizes can be configured into one-of-a-kind backsplashes that are highly customizable. If you're looking for an instantaneous way to make a statement, adding a tile wall tile stickers is a quick and easy way to update your cooking space.

Subway tiles? Tin tiles? Hexagonal tiles? Whether your backsplash reaches all the way up to the ceiling or falls somewhere in between, the right choice of tile can add an intriguing and unique look to your kitchen's aesthetic.

Looking for a stylish kitchen update? Here are 6 Elegant Varieties of Kitchen tile transfer stickers.

1.) Subway Tile

Subway tile is one of the most beloved tile designs to date, proving to be a timeless and classic choice for kitchen design. This standby material is popular for its durability, and can take decades of cooking wear and tear. Subway tile was named after - you guessed it - the type of tile that is often used in subway stations worldwide.

Subway tile can be dressed up and arranged in a variety of materials, textures, patterns, and colors. Depending on how you apply it, subway tile can look demure, showy, retro, or modern. Try using subway tile all the way to your kitchen ceiling to give the pattern a more contemporary look, or arrange it behind your stove top for a traditional backsplash arrangement.

2.) Mosaic Tile

Mosaics have a long history, starting in Mesopotamia in the third thousand years BC. Style options are unlimited with mosaic tile, with materials stretching out from glass, marble, mud, record, stone, or even treated steel.

Mosaic tile pattern arrangements are endless, and are a favorite among DIYer's due to their super-easy to install mesh-backed sheets. Mosaic tiles in bright colors can steal the show when used as backsplashes for your stovetop or kitchen sink.

3.) Hexagonal Tile

Hexagonal tile brings a mix of natural engineering and mathematical structure to your kitchen, adding an ideal honeycomb configuration to any picked space. This Victorian most loved in a split second gives any kitchen a fun, period pizazz, and combines well with vintage apparatuses or embellishments.

4.) Tin Tile

Looking for some flash and an instant touch of vintage? Tin tiles for your kitchen backsplash will stand up to water and heat, and may even last as long as the kitchen itself. Vintage-inspired tin tiles are available in a variety of finishes and colors, whether polished, painted, or distressed.

Silver tin tiles pair well with stainless steel appliances and dark wooden cabinetry.

5.) Patterned Tile

Big, bold patterned tiles are always in style, and can be the showstopper of your home kitchen. Tile patterns are available that can be customized to repeat (much like wallpaper), with pattern designs being plentiful and diverse.

Place patterned tiles all the way to the ceiling for a dramatic effect, or focus on one area like the backsplash to your kitchen stovetop or sink.

6.) Herringbone Tile

Looking to add loads of texture to your kitchen walls? Lay tile in a herringbone pattern to instantly give your kitchen a pop of personality and upscale design.

If you're already planning on using subway tile to decorate your kitchen, lay tiles in a herringbone pattern on a concentrated area like your stovetop or sink backsplash. Voila! Instant contrast of patterns.