Newborns are born with developing immune systems that have to work hard to keep their tiny bodies from fighting off disease and infection. Within the first few months of life, babies are at their most vulnerable stage. Though the soft and fluffy cheeks may be tempting, remember to pause and think about the risks of kissing the infant when you consider that the germs you are spreading are foreign invaders which can put up a fight against his or her little body.

When individuals are aware of the risks and dangers surrounding kissing babies, it is a lot easier to protect your child. Though you may consider precautionary practices to be common sense, others may not. Therefore, educating others is a great way to help them become more aware of the risks and dangers of kissing and/or showing affection to babies. Do not be afraid to advocate for your child and to request individuals refrain from visiting him or her after an illness or to avoid kissing your child to prevent the passing of germs which can cause life-threatening illnesses.

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The practice appears to have originated in the United States during the era of Jacksonian democracy, along with other techniques such as "banners, badges, parades, barbecues, [and] free drinks", which were used to get out the vote.[1] An 1888 issue of The Cosmopolitan featured a story about President Andrew Jackson, in which Jackson, touring the Eastern United States in 1833, presented a baby to U.S. Secretary of War John Eaton to kiss.[2][3] In 1886, the magazine Babyhood reported that most presidents of the United States had accepted "kissing babies as an official duty".[2] In the 1890s, Elizabeth Cady Stanton criticized the practice on the basis of hygiene and children's rights, and praised President Benjamin Harrison for refraining from it.[2]

RSV generally looks like a common cold or allergies in healthy adults. Why is it so much worse in babies? Their immune systems are not fully developed, and they have never been exposed to this virus so they are not able to mount a quick immune response to exposure to RSV. Also, their lungs are much smaller so any inflammation to their airways is exponentially worse when the baby is smaller.

"History fails to record the name of the politician who first adopted the above method of gaining the favor of mothers. Henry Clay, Tom Corwin, and Van Buren did a good deal in that line; and I believe it was Davy Crockett who boasted that he had kissed every baby in his district," the magazine Babyhood reported in 1886.

Hemangiomas are clusters of extra blood vessels on a baby's skin. They may be there when a baby is born, or form within a few weeks or months of birth. Some may look like rubbery, bumpy red "strawberry" patches while others resemble deep bruises. Seeing a hemangioma develop can be worrisome for new parents.

Infantile hemangiomas appear after a baby is born, typically within a month. Roughly 4% to 5% of all infants get them, although they are more common in Caucasians, girls, twins, and preterm or low-birth-weight babies. Infantile hemangiomas typically go through a period of rapid growth, followed by more gradual fading and flattening.

Some of the other marks that can show up on a baby's skin include port wine stains and "stork bites." These also are caused when more blood than usual floods the capillaries under the skin. Port wine stains turn a reddish-purple and are often permanent; like hemangiomas, stork bites usually disappear, but can remain if they're on the back of the neck.

Infantile hemangiomas usually become noticeable by 4 weeks of age. They may start out looking like a tiny bump or scratch. But many then grow especially fast between 5 and 7 weeks old. If you think your baby might have a hemangioma, it's best to contact your baby's pediatrician right away. He or she probably will want to see your baby within a short timeframe. According to the AAP, the best "window of opportunity" to be evaluated and start treatment if needed is about 1 month of age.

By the time a baby is 6-18 months old, most hemangiomas begin to slowly improve. In a process called "involution," the hemangioma will become less red and more grey or whitish and gradually flatten and shrink from the center outward.

Whether a hemangioma needs treatment depends on the age of the baby, where the hemangioma is located and how fast it is growing, whether it becomes sore or scabby, and the risk of it causing medical complications with a child's health and well-being.

If a baby's hemangioma risks causing problems, medications can be applied directly to the skin or taken by mouth. The goal is to keep them from getting any bigger during their period of rapid growth, or to make them shrink more quickly. Laser procedures or surgery may be an option in some cases, although it generally is avoided during early infancy to avoid increased anesthesia risks.

Contact your pediatrician if you notice anything developing on your baby's skin. Your baby's first few well-child visits are also a great time to bring it up. Few hemangiomas cause any trouble, and most go away on their own. But prompt evaluation, monitoring and treatment, when needed, can help ensure problem hemangiomas have as little impact as possible on your child. 

Most parents know that babies are not born with fully developed immune systems, and as such, newborns are more susceptible to illnesses and infections than the adults around them. What many parents may not know, however, is that something as simple as a kiss can be the start of a devastating infection that can even threaten their baby's life.

According to a series of Facebook posts by Mariana's mother, Nicole Sifrit, the baby girl was born on July 1 and discharged with a completely clean bill of health, only to be admitted to the NICU and placed on life support six days later.

Her liver was failing. She was bleeding internally. Her blood wouldn't clot. And doctors quickly discovered that little Mariana had contracted viral meningitis from herpes simplex virus type 1, or HSV-1, a strain of the herpes virus likely transmitted by the kiss of an adult with a cold sore.

Neonatal herpes is also at the root of the recent controversy surrounding ultra-Orthodox Jewish circumcisions in the New York area. The religious ritual involves a rabbi sucking a small amount of blood out of an infant's wound with his mouth after the baby's foreskin has been removed. This sort of oral suction circumcision has reportedly been in existence since biblical times, but since the year 2000, New York City health officials have linked it to more than 17 cases of infant herpes.

For starters, you can keep an eye out for the symptoms. A child getting sick may develop fever, lethargy, skin rashes, irritability and a reluctance to eat. You can also make sure that you and everyone who touches your baby thoroughly washes their hands with soap and water first.

Many adults carry HSV-1 in their bodies. They may have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, such as cold sores. Unlike adults, babies are too young to fight the virus. When a baby gets the virus, they could have brain damage, develop a lifelong disability or, in some cases, die.

Regardless of how circumcision is performed, it is important to take good care of the circumcision wound until your baby fully heals. To prevent all types of infection, parents and other caregivers should apply a fresh gauze pad, dabbed with petroleum jelly or other ointment, on the penis during each diaper change. It is also important that parents and other caregivers frequently wash their hands with soap and water, especially before and after changing diapers or dressings for the wound.

MIL came to help out postpartum after quarantining for 14 days. We had one rule, do not kiss the baby (because he hasn't had his vaccines yet, this is based on our pediatrician's guidance). We discussed this and the reason why with her a week before her visit. We discussed it as she walked in the door and was taking off her shoes, she reassuring us it would not be a problem. We told her as part of the discussion that at any time she could be asked to leave, with no reason given. I have a hard time trusting MIL due to boundary-pushing behavior and a previous issue posted over at r/Baby bumps. I wish for my son to have a positive relationship with his grandmother, and until recently was certain I wanted her to be a part of his life.

My husband's back was turned. I froze in disbelief. Husband and I discussed the issue privately and he approached her, he asked if she kissed the baby, she "didn't recall" if she had (!). He said, well u/Explosition saw you and it's not okay. She promised to not do it again.

She kissed him again 3 times as she was leaving. My husband, shocked, shouted "Mom!?" and with (truly) a gasp and a shocked look on her face, she immediately apologized. It was too much for me, I said, "No way, I can't believe this, I need you to leave, now." I was very choked up, began crying, and left the room. She followed, attempting to console me and apologized again. I said, "I need you to respect me and my baby, please leave."

She left. My husband has been receiving texts, calls, and emails from his family, stating "How could you let her talk to your mother like that?" and "You can't expect a grandmother to not kiss a baby." and "you shouldn't be afraid of germs".

It's pulling my husband and I apart. We are both exhausted from baby care and I am upset because no one has asked us for our side of the story, no one is communicating with me, and they are putting immense pressure on my husband to "fix this". I am concerned that MIL has misrepresented the situation to our normally reasonable family members and is forcing people to take sides as she remains "inconsolable" and constantly crying.

Our current plan is to allow her to visit along with everyone else after baby is vaccinated. I am willing to discuss things with her once it isn't so raw, but with family getting involved everything is so much worse and it's very hard to cope and trust anyone right now. I am very upset that my husband's family is involving him when the situation is between me and his mother. Not sure how to proceed and maintain future boundaries with our family. e24fc04721

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