Kisoo Kim

Welcome! I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy.

My research focuses on topics in political economy and American politics, including legislative politics, electoral competition, media politics, democratic accountability, and democratic institutions. / cv


Fowler, Anthony and Kisoo Kim. 2022. An Information-Based Explanation for Partisan Media Sorting. Journal of Theoretical Politics. Replication Data.

Winner of Ostrom Award in 2023 given to the best article published in the journal within the previous two calendar years (2021, 2022) by the Formal Theory Section of the American Political Science Association

Work in Progress

Lame Duck by Primary: Effect of Electoral Incentives on U.S. House Representatives (Job Market Paper)

Electoral Competition and Legislative Moderation (with Rohen Shah)

Strategic Media Bias



Mathematical Methods for Social Science (Ph.D. Math Camp, Syllabus), 2022, 2021
Teaching Evaluations: 2022, 2021

Teaching Assistant

Data and Programming for Public Policy (Master's, Head TA), Professor Nathan Barker, Spring 2024

Analytical Politics 2 (Master's, Head TA), Professors Luis Martinez, Zhaosong Ruan, Arduino Tomasi, Winter 2024

Game Theory (Ph.D.), Professor Konstantin Sonin, Fall 2023, 2022

Strategic Decision Making in Public Policy, Professor Konstantin Sonin Fall, 2023

Applied Econometrics, Professor Christopher Clapp, Fall 2023

Microeconomics 2 (Ph.D.), Professor Scott Ashworth, Winter 2022

Game Theory (Ph.D.), Professor Roger Myerson, Fall 2021

Formal Models of Domestic Politics (Ph.D.), Professor Scott Gehlbach, Winter 2020

Analytical Politics 1 (Master's, Head TA), Professors Ethan Bueno de Mesquita, Wioletta Dziuda, Alexander Fouirnaies, Fall 2020

Mathematical Methods in Social Science (Ph.D. Math Camp), Summer 2020

Political Economy 2 (Ph.D.), Professor Peter Buisseret, Winter 2020

Political Economy 1 (Ph.D.), Professor Konstantin Sonin, Fall 2019

Data and Policy Summer Scholar Program, Professor Austin Wright, Summer, 2019

Math Camp for Incoming Master's Students, Summer 2019

Microeconomics for Public Policy (Undergraduate), Professor Sabina Shaikh, Spring, 2019