Unprecedented times call for unconventional approaches to our PE classes. I'm sure by now you understand the importance of being physically active, and perhaps have begun to understand just how essential it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle in face of this global pandemic. To better meet your needs and help you manage your time, your PE teachers have created this website to offer you two structural options for remaining physically active this April. You are required to be active for 3 sessions a week, anything beyond 3, can be logged as a Dragon Active workout (5 workouts = 2 points). The two options listed below have unique challenges as well as benefits to choosing them.
On Your Own 'OYO' Sessions
Live Sessions
Have been organized by thematic day, however, you can the activities OYO whenever you feel like, with new activities added each week. You will need to record evidence you've participated in each session.
'OYO Sessions are recommended for: Self-motivated students with strong time management skills who want to get away from the screen and may be uncomfortable exercising in front of others on video.
You can view the live session calendar on the page above. Your camera will need to be on, but you do not need to record any evidence for the activity as your attendance will be recorded.
Live Sessions are recommended for: Students who like to have a set routine and schedule and who don't mind being on camera exercising with some of their peers,