python-for-android is an open source build tool to let you packagePython code into standalone android APKs. These can be passed around,installed, or uploaded to marketplaces such as the Play Store justlike any other Android app. This tool was originally developed for theKivy cross-platform graphical framework,but now supports multiple bootstraps and can be easily extended topackage other types of Python apps for Android.

python-for-android supports two major operations; first, it cancompile the Python interpreter, its dependencies, backend librariesand python code for Android devices. This stage is fully customisable:you can install as many or few components as you like. The result isa standalone Android project which can be used to generate any numberof different APKs, even with different names, icons, Python code etc.The second function of python-for-android is to provide a simpleinterface to these distributions, to generate from such a project aPython APK with build parameters and Python code to taste.

Python For Android

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I would like to develop a (rather simple) android app to be distributed via Play Store. I would like to do so completely in python. However, the online research hasn't quite enlightened me: most comments are either outdated (>1 year old, and I feel there might be better integration of python since then) or they talk about running python in android (e.g. here).

To answer your first question: yes it is feasible to develop an android application in pure python, in order to achieve this I suggest you use BeeWare, which is just a suite of python tools, that work together very well and they enable you to develop platform native applications in python.

and to answer your second question: a good environment can be anything you are comfortable with be it a text editor and a command line, or an IDE, if you're looking for a good python IDE I would suggest you try Pycharm, it has a community edition which is free, and it has a similar environment as android studio, due to to the fact that were made by the same company.

This integrates with the Android build system, it provides a Python API for all android features. To quote the site "The complete Android API and user interface toolkit are directly at your disposal."

On the other hand, Chaquopy is a much more precise in its mapping of the python API to Android. It also allows you to mix in Java, useful if you want to use existing code from other resources. If you have strict design targets, and predominantly want to target Android this is a much better resource.

Imagine building and running python applications, whether it's a command-line tool developed to fetch your favorite curated articles from the Internet, or starting a web server that runs right in the palm of your hand, all with just an Android mobile device and open source tools. This would change how you view your mobile device entirely, changing it from a device that merely lets you consume content to a device that helps you be creative.

Personally I wrote a google app engine app in python to collect and display the data, and then used an app called "meta widget" that allows you to turn a website's content into a widget. The app pulls the content from my GAE website and shows it in a widget on the android homescreen.

My understanding is that someone from the python-for-android would provide us with an overview of how they do packaging, to initiate the discussion; likely elaborating their workarounds/pain points with the current tooling.

How to reach p4a developers? I will be following things here of course and relay back what info I can that looks important to other p4a contributors, but to directly reach everyone of the team the best way I know of is to make a meta discussion ticket here: -for-android/issues

as far as i remember android is not a supported platform neither for cpython or packaging authority : so it seems unclear to me how to install packages and run test suites on a real device to help buildings those wheels ( which i may need to remind can be built on devices with setuptools and some imagination ).

I tried really hard, but I just don't get it -- would GDNative enable us to use Python scripts, which in turn utilize other, third-party Python libraries, in cross-platform development? To flesh out my question: I'm thinking of developing a molecular structure viewer as Godot VR application for smartphone-based HMDs. Retrieving and parsing molecular structure date (e.g. from PDB, ) isn't too difficult, but I would, of course, prefer to use existing libraries for this purpose. So I was wondering if it was possible to use, say: BioPython ( _Biopython_Structural_Bioinformatics_FAQ) for the intended Android application?

Though, I suppose the best way to know for sure would be to make a simple project using a pure python library and see what happens when you export. I do not think it will work, but testing with a simple project would be the best way to know for sure.

You can create a package for android using the python-for-android project. This page explains howto download and use it directly on your own machine (seePackaging your application into APK or AAB) oruse the Buildozer tool to automate the entire process. You can also seePackaging your application for the Kivy Launcher to run kivyprograms without compiling them.

Buildozer is a tool that automates the entire build process. Itdownloads and sets up all the prerequisites for python-for-android,including the android SDK and NDK, then builds an apk that can beautomatically pushed to the device.

This creates a buildozer.spec file controlling your buildconfiguration. You should edit it appropriately with your app nameetc. You can set variables to control most or all of the parameterspassed to python-for-android.

To do this, you must run Buildozer with the release parameter(e.g. buildozer android release), or if usingpython-for-android use the --release option to Thiscreates a release AAB in the bin directory, which you mustproperly sign and zipalign.The procedure for doing this is described in the Android documentationat -signing.html#signing-manually -all the necessary tools come with the Android SDK.

I'm trying to get Python 3 to run natively on Android. By "native", I mean native Linux, just an Android variation of it. I'd like to be able to simply open a terminal and type python /path/to/, so Kivy and Qslide will not work (to my knowledge, feel free to prove me wrong). Normally, Termux would do this, but I don't like the terminal app just the Linux packages it supplies, prefer to use another called Terminal Emulator by Jackpal.

I've tried booting into TWRP (I don't have root otherwise) and copying the necessary Python binaries and lib folder and the Termux data directory to /system/bin and /system/lib, but Python fails, saying it can't find I realize Termux's Python is probably modified in some way to account for the directory structure required by an Android app and therefore couldn't find the .so even after I copied it to /system/lib.

python-for-android is a packaging tool for Python apps on Android. You cancreate your own Python distribution including the modules anddependencies you want, and bundle it in an APK or AAB along with your own code.

See ourdocumentationfor more information about the python-for-android development andrelease model, but don't worry about the details. You just need tomake a pull request, we'll take care of the rest.

In 2015 these tools were rewritten to provide a new, easier-to-use andeasier-to-extend interface. If you'd like to browse the old toolchain, itsstatus is recorded for posterity at -for-android/tree/old_toolchain.

In the last quarter of 2018 the python recipes were changed. Thenew recipe for python3 (3.7.1) had a new build system which wasapplied to the ancient python recipe, allowing us to bump the python2version number to 2.7.15. This change unified the build process forboth python recipes, and probably solved various issues detected over theyears. These unified python recipes require a minimum target api level of 21,Android 5.0 - Lollipop. If you need to build targeting anapi level below 21, you should use an older version of python-for-android(

As investing in hardware and software to test applications becomes increasingly unfeasible due to the large volume of android devices and versions launched each year, cloud-based application testing offers a more efficient alternative. When testing on real devices without a cloud-based platform, there is a tedious process that involves setting up the android studio, setting environment or path variables, configuring a real device, and various other intricacies. All of these are negated by using a cloud-based platform such as BrowserStack.


I was thinking about new feature for Android app. I realy like meshtastic-python CLI but I am missing this in a field when troubleshooting node. So my idea is to implement this feature in mobile app. Maybe would be cool to implement it into chat window.

My project: Use MIT App Inventor on my Android phone (Currently Samsung Galaxy S9+ with Android version 10 but need it to run on any android); Send text to a Raspberry Pi (currently using a Pi4 but will be switching to Pi Zero W because I want to reduce the size); on top of the Pi 40 pin GPIO is a Waveshare servo driver hat (Which controls 16 servos, (I'm currently using the Waveshare sample Python code to get the 16 servos rotating, with minimal understanding of Python code.))

This error occurs due to access restrictions in new (10+) versions of android.

Here is an instruction on how to get around a similar error for /proc/net/psched. In the same way (by calling the command through adb shell), you can bypass the error with /proc/stat.

Download the onnxruntime-android (full package) or onnxruntime-mobile (mobile package) AAR hosted at MavenCentral, change the file extension from .aar to .zip, and unzip it. Include the header files from the headers folder, and the relevant dynamic library from the jni folder in your NDK project. ff782bc1db

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