After the seeing the number of downloads for the last two, and the numerous videos showing ways to beat these challenges. I felt that 1.2 (or just level 3) needed to come out. Thank you to all that downloaded and played the first two. And thank you to the ones that took the time to produce video solutions of them. Greatly appreciated.

Kioptrix is a downloadable VM image file on Vulnhub. It is a VM image challenge to get root access by any means possible. The goal of these is to learn the basic tools and techniques in vulnerability assessment and exploitation. There is more than one way to complete the kioptrix challenge by getting root access.

Kioptrix Level 4 Download


This Kioptrix: Level 1 VM Image is rated as Easy/Beginner level challenge. The objective of the game is to acquire root access via any means possible. The purpose of the game is to learn the basic tools and techniques in vulnerability assessment and exploitation. There are more ways then one to successfully complete the challenges.

 It was created by Kioptrix

 Other machines in the series can be found in the Kioptrix series page on Vulnhub.

I was trying to setup a lab environment for Vulnhub box. I ran both Kali VM and Kioptrix level 1 VM on VMWare Workstation Player. I heard that I should set the network adaptor of both VMs using NAT or host only to be safe. I could set Kali's network setting to NAT/host only without any problem.

So previously we have done a Kioptrix Level 1 VM, well, Kioptrix as a whole has a total of 5 different levels, and today we will be moving on to the second level of this series. Same objectives but hopefully different techniques. As a refresher, Kioptrix Level 1 was pretty easy, we simply have to use the OpenFuck v2 to exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability that existed on their current Apache mod_ssl version!

Kioptrix: Level 1 surfaced on VulnHub on February 17th, 2010. Created by Kioptrix, it can be found at -level-1-1,22/. It is the first machine in the Kioptrix series. The objective is to get root privileges and find root's email.

Last but not least the report out! It is a very important part of the assessment. When we write the report is where we get to materialize all this and share with stakeholders at different levels of all our findings. Remember all of those notes of our hard work along the way and the screenshots we took? This is where we get to share this information and why it is very important to take good notes and screenshots along the way. I think a good approach is to write your notes in a way that they just fall into the report so you can copy and paste and only need to make some minor adjustments. Another good approach is to write the report or fill in parts as you go, that way they are fresh in your mind. In the end it would be nice to just have to spend time in the executive summary and tightening the other parts in rather than writing the whole report from scratch.

Time for level 2! =) [See here for level 1]. Like before, kioptrix is another "Vulnerable-By-Design OS" (De-ICE, Metasploitable and pWnOS), with the aim to go from "boot" to "root" by any means possible.

However the exploited service (PHP) is using a user that has limited access to the system and the attacker would like more (plus the objective of kioptrix is to gain access to the superuser, "root"). The attacker makes a note of the targets system's kernel version and searches for an exploit that could lead to "privilege escalation" which would allow for "deeper access" into the system. After searching for known exploits the attacker identifies an exploit that is compatible with the target's system. The attacker downloads a copy of the exploit and transfers it using the same method as the backdoor previously. After successfully compiling the exploit, the attacker runs the exploit on the target's success which results in the attacker being promoted to the "root" account. The attacker then creates a copy of the backdoor file in the "document root". The attacker then kills the remote shell. (Note: The end goal of kioptrix has been reached and everything after copying the backdoor is optional).

The next boot2root series that I decided to work on was the Kioptrix series by loneferret from VulnHub. This seemed to be another series that was a bit closer to beginner/intermediate level, so I figured it would be another good series to do some...

So that's it, short and sweet like I said. Kioptrix1 is meant to be fairly simple and straight-forward, an entry-level box, so I didnt expect more. There are higher-level versions that are more difficult however, and I'll be tackling those soon. 17dc91bb1f

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