Course evaluations

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Below I provide testimonials from students that relate to my core goals and approaches as an educator.

Learner-centered teaching

"Class felt like a conversation, not a lecture."

"Professor was very understanding and flexible and also made the class fun with activities so you felt engaged."

"Eden was an amazing instructor. [They are] a very honest grader and [they] gave very in depth feedback. [They] made sure to engage with all of our discussion posts and essays by not only giving feedback, but discussing our points. This is something that I have very rarely seen in professors."

"I really loved them as a teacher, it was an interactive course that taught me a lot about the food systems, and the pros and cons of how it was structured."

Facilitating critical reflection

"I enjoyed how each of the reflection papers required us to not only read and understand topics but also evaluate them and/or argue our own stance."

"This course talked about uncomfortable conversations that need to be taught. All the lessons were very thoughtful and clear to understand."

They did a fantastic job. I came into this class thinking I would know a lot already with no education about the subject but they changed my mind. They taught me so much that I share it with people that I know and they love the content that I'm

getting taught."

Supporting students as whole persons

"More professors like Prof. Kinkaid would give students the confidence to succeed."

"The instructor was amazing, [they] reached out to me to make sure I was doing ok in the class and seemed liked [they] really cared about [their] students and our education."

"I really liked how Eden was always there for the students and was always engaged, wanting to be there."

Demystifying and modeling academic skills

"Professor Kinkaid has the most well explained paper writing expectations I’ve ever seen! [They] guide you through [their] criteria paragraph by paragraph, so not only are you able to properly explain what you have learned but also how to correctly format a research paper or essay. It was an excellent way to learn by example! I wish more teachers used [their] paper writing format, especially in gen ed courses. That way students could gain confidence in their writing skills and the ability to clearly state what they have learned."

Positive classroom environment

"Eden was kind, they were very open to learning about their classmates and really made me feel like I was important. I appreciate this in any teacher. They were also funny, and made class comfortable."

"Eden is very understanding and flexible. Provides a welcoming environment and an enthusiastic attitude towards the subject and teaching it."

Responsiveness and flexibility

"The professor was open to criticism and was also very understanding throughout the course, which is always appreciated in a professor."

"They recorded their classes and allowed you to make up participation online if you could not attend classes. They were also very accommodating if we felt unwell, physically or mentally, especially after the murder of a professor on campus."

Overall effectiveness

"Great instructor. Very attentive, will reply back to any emails or discussions posts very quickly. They created an extremely organized module, using current sources for each section. (Sometimes professors don’t update their content, this course had content that was still extremely relevant.) The professor understood how students work best in an online course, gave us the ability to work ahead of we needed to. Very understanding about the current covid situation and communicated in depth that they would work with us if we were struggling."

"What a great first class to start off my online classroom experience."

"Eden was a great teacher. Especially for someone who is just starting out. I wish them the best in everything they do. Eden has a great attitude towards teaching and I hope they get everything they need. A wonderful candidate for any institution."