Beyond the nuclear family: Extended kinship and mental health in Italy

Mission of the project

KinHealth is a project funded by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and the Next Generation EU with about 266k euro (PRIN 2022 PNRR). The project achieved the top ranking in the field of 'Population dynamics: households, family and fertility' (SH7_3). It is coordinated by Marco Tosi (P.I.) and involves scholars from the Universities of Padua, Florence (Valentina Tocchioni as vice- P.I.), and Bologna (Marco Albertini as associated P.I.). The project focuses on the analysis of the kinship network and its effects on individual health and wellbeing.

Objective 1

The kinship network and its characteristics. 

Objective 2

The geographical spread of kinship and its health implications.

Objective 3

Kinship as a latent network of support.

KinHealth Survey

New data collection on kin relations.


We are hiring two researchers at the Universities of Padua and Florence.

UNIPD: The net monthly salary is slightly above 1900 euro. The position is offered for 20 months + extension. Italian is not necessary; PhD degree is not required although desirable; working remotely is considered.

Link to apply: 

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