On the sixth of June, Don John, after receiving the last instructions ofhis brother, set out from Madrid on his journey to the south. Besideshis own private establishment, making a numerous train, he was escortedby a splendid company of lords and cavaliers, eager to share with him inthe triumphs of the Cross. Anxious to reach the goal, he pushed forwardat a more rapid rate than was altogether relished by the rest of thecavalcade. Yet, notwithstanding this speed on the road, there werematters that claimed his attention in the towns through which he passedthat occasioned some delay. His journey had the appearance of a royalprogress. The castles of the great lords were thrown open with princelyhospitality to receive him and his suite. In the chief cities, asSaragossa and Barcelona, he was entertained by the viceroys with all thepomp and ceremony that could have been shown to the king himself. Heremained some days in the busy capital of Catalonia, and found theremuch to engage his attention in the arsenals and dockyards, now alivewith the bustle of preparation. He then made a brief pilgrimage to theneighbouring hermitage of our Lady of Montserrat, where he paid hisdevotions, and conversed with the holy fathers, whom he had alwaysdeeply reverenced, and had before visited in their romantic solitudes.

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