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**** Google-PCD Description | Google-PCD Syllabus | Google-PCD Exam Objectives | Google-PCD Course Outline ****

**** SAMPLE Professional Cloud Developer 2021 Dumps ****

Question: 39

Your teammate has asked you to review the code below. Its purpose is to efficiently add a large number of small rows to a BigQuery table.

Which improvement should you suggest your teammate make?

A. Include multiple rows with each request.

B. Perform the inserts in parallel by creating multiple threads.

C. Write each row to a Cloud Storage object, then load into BigQuery.

D. Write each row to a Cloud Storage object in parallel, then load into BigQuery.

Answer: B

Question: 40

You need to migrate an internal file upload API with an enforced 500-MB file size limit to App Engine.

What should you do?

A. Use FTP to upload files.

B. Use CPanel to upload files.

C. Use signed URLs to upload files.

D. Change the API to be a multipart file upload API.

Answer: C


Question: 41

Your company wants to expand their users outside the United States for their popular application. The company wants to ensure 99.999% availability of the

database for their application and also wants to minimize the read latency for their users across the globe.

Which two actions should they take? (Choose two.)

A. Create a multi-regional Cloud Spanner instance with "nam-asia-eur1" configuration.

B. Create a multi-regional Cloud Spanner instance with "nam3" configuration.

C. Create a cluster with at least 3 Spanner nodes.

D. Create a cluster with at least 1 Spanner node.

E. Create a minimum of two Cloud Spanner instances in separate regions with at least one node.

F. Create a Cloud Dataflow pipeline to replicate data across different databases.

Answer: BF

Question: 42

You have an application deployed in production. When a new version is deployed, some issues don�t arise until the application receives traffic from users in

production. You want to reduce both the impact and the number of users affected.

Which deployment strategy should you use?

A. Blue/green deployment

B. Canary deployment

C. Rolling deployment

D. Recreate deployment

Answer: A


Question: 43

You need to copy directory local-scripts and all of its contents from your local workstation to a Compute Engine virtual machine instance.

Which command should you use?

A. gsutil cp �project �my-gcp-project� -r ~/local-scripts/ gcp-instance-name:~/server-scripts/ �zone �us-east1-b�

B. gsutil cp �project �my-gcp-project� -R ~/local-scripts/ gcp-instance-name:~/server-scripts/ �zone �us-east1-b�

C. gcloud compute scp �project �my-gcp-project� �recurse ~/local-scripts/ gcp-instance-name:~/server-scripts/ �zone �us-east1-b�

D. gcloud compute mv �project �my-gcp-project� �recurse ~/local-scripts/ gcp-instance-name:~/server-scripts/ �zone �us-east1-b�

Answer: C


Question: 44

You are deploying your application to a Compute Engine virtual machine instance with the Stackdriver Monitoring Agent installed. Your application is a unix

process on the instance. You want to be alerted if the unix process has not run for at least 5 minutes. You are not able to change the application to generate

metrics or logs.

Which alert condition should you configure?

A. Uptime check

B. Process health

C. Metric absence

D. Metric threshold

Answer: B


Question: 45

You have two tables in an ANSI-SQL compliant database with identical columns that you need to quickly combine into a single table, removing duplicate

rows from the result set.

What should you do?

A. Use the JOIN operator in SQL to combine the tables.

B. Use nested WITH statements to combine the tables.

C. Use the UNION operator in SQL to combine the tables.

D. Use the UNION ALL operator in SQL to combine the tables.

Answer: C


Question: 46

Question: 47

Your website is deployed on Compute Engine. Your marketing team wants to test conversion rates between 3 different website designs.

Which approach should you use?

A. Deploy the website on App Engine and use traffic splitting.

B. Deploy the website on App Engine as three separate services.

C. Deploy the website on Cloud Functions and use traffic splitting.

D. Deploy the website on Cloud Functions as three separate functions.

Answer: A


Question: 48

You are planning to migrate a MySQL database to the managed Cloud SQL database for Google Cloud. You have Compute Engine virtual machine instances

that will connect with this Cloud SQL instance. You do not want to whitelist IPs for the Compute Engine instances to be able to access Cloud SQL.

What should you do?

A. Enable private IP for the Cloud SQL instance.

B. Whitelist a project to access Cloud SQL, and add Compute Engine instances in the whitelisted project.

C. Create a role in Cloud SQL that allows access to the database from external instances, and assign the Compute Engine instances to that role.

D. Create a CloudSQL instance on one project. Create Compute engine instances in a different project. Create a VPN between these two

projects to allow internal access to CloudSQL.

Answer: C


Question: 49

You want to upload files from an on-premises virtual machine to Google Cloud Storage as part of a data migration. These files will be consumed by Cloud

DataProc Hadoop cluster in a GCP environment.

Which command should you use?




D. gcloud dataproc cp [LOCAL_OBJECT] gs://[DESTINATION_BUCKET_NAME]/

Answer: A


The gsutil cp command allows you to copy data between your local file. storage. boto files generated by running "gsutil config"

Question: 50

You migrated your applications to Google Cloud Platform and kept your existing monitoring platform. You now find that your notification system is too

slow for time critical problems.

What should you do?

A. Replace your entire monitoring platform with Stackdriver.

B. Install the Stackdriver agents on your Compute Engine instances.

C. Use Stackdriver to capture and alert on logs, then ship them to your existing platform.

D. Migrate some traffic back to your old platform and perform AB testing on the two platforms concurrently.

Answer: B

