Latest AZ-104 Exam Questions from Actual Exam (PDF & Test Engine)

Killexams AZ-104 Question Bank: provides complete question bank from which you will be asked random selected set of questions in real exam. These questions not only help you pass the exam with high marks but improve your knowledge about Microsoft Azure Administrator so that you can work comfortably.

Course Contents covered by
The AZ-104 exam focuses on evaluating the candidate's knowledge and skills in various Azure administrative tasks. The course contents cover the following key areas:

Manage Azure identities and governance:
- Manage Azure Active Directory (AD) objects
- Configure Azure AD integration with on-premises Active Directory
- Implement and manage Azure AD users, groups, and devices
- Implement and manage Azure AD identities

Implement and manage storage:
- Create and configure storage accounts
- Manage Azure Blob storage, Azure Files, and Azure managed disks
- Implement Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery

Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs):
- Create and configure VMs
- Configure VM networking and storage
- Monitor and manage VMs
- Backup and restore VMs

Configure and manage virtual networks:
- Create connectivity between virtual networks
- Implement and manage virtual networking
- Configure name resolution
- Secure access to virtual networks

Monitor and back up Azure resources:
- Monitor Azure resources using Azure Monitor
- Configure and interpret Azure Metrics
- Implement Azure Log Analytics
- Implement Azure Backup

Exam Objectives:
The AZ-104 exam evaluates the candidate's proficiency in the following key areas:

- Azure identity and governance (15-20%)
- Azure storage (10-15%)
- Azure compute (25-30%)
- Azure networking (20-25%)
- Azure monitoring and backup (10-15%)
- Azure security (15-20%)

Preparation Tips:
Preparing for the AZ-104 exam requires a structured approach and a thorough understanding of the Azure concepts. Here are some preparation tips to help you succeed:

Killexams Practice exams:
Killexams Practice exams are invaluable in gauging your readiness for the actual exam. They help you familiarize yourself with the exam format, identify knowledge gaps, and improve time management skills. Exam Simulator uses actual questions in the practice tests so you can prepare best for the exam.

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Becoming a Microsoft Azure Administrator can open up exciting career opportunities in the ever-growing field of cloud computing. The AZ-104 exam is a vital step in validating your skills as an Azure Administrator. By understanding the course contents, exam objectives, using killexams questions, practice will killexams exam simulator and following the preparation tips outlined in this article, you will get sure success in the AZ-104 exam and demonstrate your proficiency in managing Azure resources effectively.