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Question #91

A project on developing quality testing equipment for an agro-based industry will start with the Create Deliverables process. Which of the

following are NOT inputs to the current process?

A) Scrum Core Team -

B) Acceptance Criteria -

C) Impediment log -

D) Length of Sprint -

A. A and �’

B. B and D

C. A and C

D. �’ and C

Answer: C


Question #92

Which of the following meetings is not usually Time-boxed?

A. Daily Standup.

B. Scrum of Scrums.

C. Sprint Planning Meeting.

D. Sprint Review.

Answer: B


Question #93

Which of the following statements about non-core Scrum roles is correct?

A. Non-core roles are mandatorily required for the Scrum project to be successful.

B. Non-core roles are supportive roles indirectly responsible for the success or failure of the project.

C. Non-core roles are involved with the project, but do not have any interest in the project.

D. Non-core roles have a formal stature on the project team and are continuously involved in the Scrum process.

Answer: A


Question #94

Listed below are some responsibilities of a Scrum Master. Identify the one that is NOT correct.

A. Coordinates with Product Owner in creation of the Prioritized Product Backlog.

B. Facilitates Prioritized Product Backlog Review Meetings.

C. Resolves the issues affecting the Scrum Team.

D. Identifies risks and implements risk mitigation actions.

Answer: A


Question #95

During a Retrospect Sprint Meeting, the Scrum team conducted an Explorer-Shopper-Vacationer-Prisoner exercise. One of the participants

indicated that he feels like an Explorer. Which of the following best describes who an Explorer is?

A. One who wants to listen to everything and choose what he takes away from the retrospective

B. One who wants to participate in and learn everything discussed in the retrospective

C. One who wants to relax and be a tourist during the retrospective

D. One who wants to explore how other project tackled similar issues and improved processes

Answer: D


Question #96

Scrum can easily be scaled for effective use in large projects with multiple small teams working on the project. Which of the following facilitates

coordination among scrum teams?

A. Scrum of Scrums Meeting

B. Daily Standup Meeting

C. Sprint Review Meeting

D. Sprint Planning Meeting

Answer: A

There are a lot of people who say "Scrum can be used to improve the team productivity but is not scalable". In fact, it can easily be scaled for

effective use in large projects. Multiple Scrum Teams can be formed to work on the project where the Scrum Team size exceeds ten people. The

Convene Scrum of Scrums process facilitates coordination among the Scrum Teams, enabling effective implementation in larger projects. Multiple

Scrum Teams work in parallel in large projects, making it necessary to synchronize and facilitate the flow of information and enhance

communication. The Convene Scrum of Scrums is the process ensuring this synchronization. The various Scrum Teams are represented in this

meeting and the objectives are to provide updates about progress, discuss challenges faced during the project, and coordinate activities.


Question #97

Which of the following activities is NOT a part of the implementation phase in Scrum?

A. Daily Standup Meeting.

B. Updating the Product Backlog.

C. Release Planning Meeting.

D. Creating deliverables.

Answer: C


Question #98

Which of the following is a tool that can be used for communicating information related to risks?

A. Risk Burnup chart.

B. Risk Burndown chart.

C. Risk Progress chart.

D. Risk Tracking chart.

Answer: B

An important tool which can be used for communicating information related to risks is the Risk Burndown Chart.


Question #99

Which of the following is/are role(s) of a Chief Scrum Master, not of a Chief Product Owner?

A) Addresses impediments that impact more than one Scrum Team.

B) Prepares and maintains the overall Prioritized Product Backlog for the large project.

C) Facilitates the Scrum of Scrums meetings.

D) Interfaces with the Program Product Owner to ensure alignment of the large project with the goals and objectives of the Program.

A. A and C

B. A and D

C. A, B, and C

D. C

Answer: A


Question #100

A company that builds propellers for ships has incurred heavy losses while implementing the product at the end of the project. This is because a

large number of customer requirements which changed during the project were not incorporated into the deliverables. The company could have

avoided this situation if it had applied the Scrum Methodology, as it would have ensured that any change requested by the customer was included

as part of the project, and that the team produced deliverables that were better suited to the final business environment. Which Scrum aspect is

being emphasized here?

A. Value-based prioritization

B. Appropriation

C. Iterative development

D. Transparency

Answer: C

