The movie is set before 1997, prior to the return of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China. Chan Kwok-chung (Simon Yam), a Hong Kong police inspector, has dedicated his career to putting Wong Po (Sammo Hung), a notorious triad boss, behind bars. While escorting a witness with damning evidence of Wong's wrongdoings to court, Chan's car is rammed by another car driven by Jack (Wu Jing), a ruthless assassin. Jack then executes the witness, ensuring Wong Po would walk free. Chan survives with a piece of glass stuck in his head. After the glass is removed, the doctor informs Chan of a tumor in his brain that will soon kill him. Chan becomes even more determined to bring down Wong Po, using any means necessary.

Three years later, Ma Kwun (Donnie Yen), a police officer from another precinct, is assigned to replace Chan, who is going to retire soon. Ma will lead Chan's team, composed of Wah, Sum and Lok. The three men are very protective of Chan, who has since adopted the slain witness' daughter, as her mother was killed in the earlier car crash.

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An electronics shop owner brings to the police station a video tape of Wong Po torturing an undercover agent. In the video, Wong hits the agent repeatedly with a golf club, then one of his men finishes him off. Chan and his colleagues decide to alter the tape, intimidate the shop owner into accusing Wong Po of being the murderer, and eliminate the real killer. Ma, who once beat up a drug trafficker so badly that the latter became mentally handicapped, has vowed to abstain from using questionable means in his career. Ma notices that Chan's team is acting suspiciously, but he still helps in the arrest of Wong Po. Ma then catches Chan's team's in the act of murdering the henchman that actually killed the undercover agent. Ma briefly fights the four of them.

The group receives a message warning them against leaving the police station that night. Ignoring the threat, Lok goes to buy a gun to serve as Wong Po's "murder weapon", but is trapped in an enclosed area and ends up getting killed by a knife-wielding Jack. Meanwhile, a copy of the original video tape is given to Chan's superior, Cheung Chun-fei. Seeing that Chan had tampered with evidence to frame Wong Po, Cheung releases Wong and tries to arrest Chan. An elderly policeman called Uncle Ba (who had received help from Chan earlier in the film) helps Chan avoid arrest. Later that night, Jack sneaks up on Wah and Sum and stabs them to death. Ma rushes to save them but arrives too late. Before dying, Wah confesses to Ma that he, Sum and Lok had stolen money from Wong Po (when they busted one of Wong's drug operations earlier) to help Chan raise his adopted daughter, and were targeted for retaliation by Wong.

At the station, Ma has a heated argument with Cheung over the handling of the case. Furious, he turns in his badge and gun. Chan goes to Wong Po's office, pretending to bring the stolen money. He guns down several henchmen but is stabbed and overpowered by Jack, then tortured by Wong Po, who calls Ma and tells him that he has taken Chan captive.

Ma heads to Wong Po's office. Jack confronts and battles Ma in an alley. Jack wrestles Ma's baton away from him, but Ma eviscerates Jack with his own knife. In Wong's office, where Chan is tied up, Ma returns the money and fights Wong. The crime lord is seemingly defeated when he is slammed onto a glass display of bottles. Ma pours himself a drink, but Wong suddenly gets up and pushes Ma out of a window. Ma lands on the car carrying Wong's wife and baby son, caving in the roof. All three are killed instantly. Wong gazes down at Ma's body and recognizes the car underneath. Wong starts sobbing, broken with grief.

Dennis Law had written a script for a sequel to SPL that he later reworked and produced as his 2008 film Fatal Move.[7] On 13 September 2013, Twitch Film reported that a sequel titled SPL II: A Time For Consequences was in the works. It to be directed by Cheang Pou-soi and to star Sammo Hung and Wu Jing, reprising their roles as Wong Po and Jack, respectively. The film was also to star Francis Ng, Tony Jaa. Donnie Yen was not to be reprising his role as Inspector Ma Kwun.[8] In April 2014 it was announced that SPL II would be directed by Cheang Pou-soi and would star Tony Jaa in the lead role with Simon Yam and Wu Jing, who were to return as different characters from the original film if it were a sequel.[9] The film was released on 18 June 2015. Sammo Hung did not reprise his role as Wong Po and instead directed and starred in the 2016 film The Bodyguard.

In military tactics, the kill zone, also known as killing zone, is an area entirely covered by direct and effective fire, an element of ambush within which an approaching enemy force is trapped and destroyed. The objective of the ambush force is to quickly kill or capture all enemy soldiers inside the kill zone. The trapped soldiers may respond by counterattacking.

The kill zone is an element of point ambush in which a military unit targets a single area with offensive fire such as mines, demolitions and section-level weapons. The kill zone may be bordered by obstacles, traps or indirect fire (artillery or mortars) to keep the enemy from escaping.[1][2] In an area ambush, related multiple kill zones will be covered by multiple kill teams.[3][4]

The weapons of the kill team are not fired until the majority of the enemy unit is within the kill zone, ideally all of the targeted unit.[5] Direct and effective fire is initiated by the kill team leader who orders simultaneous targeted firing by all members of the kill team. The attack is often initiated by remote-controlled charges such as Claymore mines or other explosives.[6] The ambushed unit may be prevented from advancing or retreating by explosions at the front and rear of their column. Individual kill team members are to choose targets within the kill zone using machine gun and small arms fire but may be augmented by indirect fire. Ideally, the action is completed so quickly that the enemy force has no time to report the engagement.[3] A successful ambush may result in a patrol in the kill zone being destroyed in seconds.[7]

The ambush of a kill zone carries high risk in that forces not in the zone may maneuver around the flanks of the attackers, limiting their escape. For this reason a properly executed ambush employs covering teams and relief teams in addition to the kill team(s). Nearby forces may also come to the assistance of those caught in the attack. Therefore, a well-executed attack may be over in under a minute and should rarely extend beyond a few minutes.[7]

A military unit that finds itself suddenly under fire in an enemy kill zone must immediately take action against the ambushers. Such action may include soldiers assuming a prone position to minimize themselves as targets. Prone soldiers will return fire toward the ambushers.[8] Other responses may include the targeted soldiers immediately assaulting suspected defensive positions. Soldiers outside of the kill zone may direct suppressive fire at the ambushers in support of the assault,[4] and they may advance upon the flanks of the ambushers.[7]

Vehicles in the kill zone will likely attempt to leave it, while vehicle gunners fire toward the ambushers. Disabled vehicles may create cover for ambushed soldiers. Soldiers able to leave their disabled vehicles are expected to join the assault against the ambushers.[9]

The kill zone should isolate and trap the enemy.[3] The selection of a likely kill zone involves evaluating the terrain and making up for any inadequacies. First and foremost, the kill zone must be where the enemy is expected to travel, or where the enemy can be attracted with "bait". If the potential kill zone terrain restricts vehicle movement to one vehicle width at a time, then a suddenly disabled vehicle will help to isolate the enemy. Terrain that keeps the enemy from moving out of the kill zone is useful for isolation, otherwise the ambushers will wish to place obstacles or munitions at the borders of the selected area. Especially important is separation between the enemy and the ambushing units, to prevent a counterattack.[2]

Military units on the move are vulnerable to ambush. To avoid the kill zone, a patrol may "fan out" and travel with elements spread out left and right, rather than staying solely on a road or track. Soldiers who take point must keep an eye out for signs of a kill zone, such as disturbed ground, obstacles and restrictive terrain. Night vision and thermal imaging equipment may help to discover hidden weapons, or enemy soldiers under cover.[7]

The term "kill zone" is used in paintball tactics to designate an area that is heavily defended by enemy paintball players. Advancing players may know the location of the potential kill zone but be uncertain whether it is well-defended. Responses vary to being caught in a paintball kill zone. If the kill zone is too large and the enemy forces relatively far away, the ambushed players often retreat to cover. If the kill zone is small, the ambushed players are likely to charge forward and assault the defensive players.[10] Fellow players who are not caught in the kill zone are likely to attack the flanks of the defensive players.[11]

For one thing, he said, the giants use their dominant position to subsidize conquests into other markets, squeezing smaller players, some of which were formerly partners. He had some some insight into the matter, given that one-time collaborators Google LLC and Inc. are now both selling aggressively discounted smart speakers years after Sonos pioneered the devices.

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