My One Minute Recommendation: Kill Everyone is one of the better tournament books on the market. It will be most useful for those interested in big live tournaments, but the excellent section of the math of late game situations is enough to make the book worth buying for any tournament player. But hurry! Much of the focus is on exploiting current trends in poker tournaments, so the fish may wise up eventually.

Whereas in the old days (2004 and before), the opening raise was usually 3-4 times the big blind, the standard with good players now is to raise 2 times the big blind with a range of hands that are likely to be called or raised, then use their post-flop skills to gather chips. The threat of a KP player on the left of an aggressive raiser might cause him to tighten up his pre-flop raising range, giving the KP player more opportunities to pick up blinds and antes. If it becomes evident that the target player has tightened his raising range, the smart KP player should tighten his re-raising range against that player in response. There are lots of meta-game strategies like this that a thinking player using a selected KP strategy could employ to great effect.

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Huntington Press, 2007. Paperback. Very good + trade paperback shows some light shelf and trace wear, else tight and clean. 348 pages. Solid copy of this popular poker how-to. Very Good. Item #24876 

ISBN: 0929712471

The Independent Chip Model (ICM) gives us a clear understanding of the monetary impact of our decisions in a tournament. It guides our strategy and determines whether we should play tight or aggressively. Unfortunately, it is not possible to calculate ICM on the fly at the poker table. However, we have a solution in the form of Bubble Factors, which allows us to make informed decisions during every stage of the tournament

As you can see everyone has the same Bubble Factor which is 0.82, which would translate to everyone only needing 45% equity to call an all-in. This negative risk premium results from bounties, and corresponds to playing wider than Chip EV. The first hand of a PKO is the only time when every player can bust every other player to win a bounty, which is why the calling range is so wide. PKOs are the exception to the rule that you lose more equity than you gain in tournament hands, because of the bounties.

Hello again everyone! It's been a crazy year, but I have taken the time to rewrite this guide. My focus was on grammar, clarity, and conciseness since there was a lot of information. I plan to release the rewritten guide by the end of Summer 2023 once I'm done with the school year. Thanks again for all your support, especially those who have been responding to comments on my behalf. See y'all soon!

Now that we have the setup out of our way, it is now time to explain the rules. 

Roles (basic and later explained through gameplay):

Mayor- is not an actual player in the game but rather the narrator; he has complete power over the group except the power to veto votes. He/she will assign the roles, tell when each role to wake up and sleep, create a story and sanction votes. It's this person's job to keep the game grounded and to keep the players reasonable. The mayor must remain unbiased throughout the game. 

Mafia-Will kill other players and try to convince other players who the mafia is without revealing themselves

Doctor-can save himself (look under "Circumstances") and can save others

Sheriff-points at any other player and the mayor can either nod or shake their head of the person is mafia or not; uses his or her power to sway public opinion 

Civilian- the most basic role, who votes and tries to figure out the mafias and vote them off

Obviously you don't want to reveal your roles of you have an important one but rather convince others you are a civilian. 


Mayor has the right to silence the group or restart the game completely.

Mafia can only choose one target per round (2 mafia vote on 1 target)

Revealing your card (if you are playing with cards) is cheating. 

Opening your eyes when it is not permitted is cheating.

Example: Mayor says "last night, the mafia was angry at somebody who was stealing his money, so he killed person (A), the doctor saved the wrong person." OR "last night... Mafia killed person (A) but doctor saved him." 

(A certain aspect to the game will change with skulls later explained)

8: The mayor: if a person has died at the hand of the Mafia, take their card without showing anyone (If you are playing cards. Note: Anybody killed by the mafia will most likely be a civilian, but you take their card regardless. They are not allowed to reveal their role.)

Mafia Win= Killing off everyone until you can't play anymore. Example: There were 8 people in the game with 2 mafia, and the mafia kills 4 people, so there are 2 mafia and 2 other players. The two other players maybe able to vote off one of the mafia, but in the next round, one of the normal players will be killed, meaning the last 2 players are 1 mafia and 1 normal person, so you can't win a 1v1 against mafia.

Circumstance 1: Somebody woke up when they weren't suppose to? Simple fix: You either restart the round, or kill the person who wasn't suppose to be awake. Example: A Doctor wakes up when the mayor requests the Mafia to wake up. The mayor has a choice to immediately end the life of the doctor or reset the game.

Circumstance 2: If you are the mayor, and you forget what happened in the round you've just completed, you can start the round again. Example: Say Mafia decide to kill person A, but you forgot who person A is. Simply get the mafia to get back up when everyone is asleep and ask them who they wanted to kill.

Reveal Yourself! Skull: The only time the mayor asks if somebody "if they are mafia or not" is when that person is voted off, not killed by mafia. Activating this skull allows for the other roles to reveal themselves when they normally couldn't. Example: When the doctor gets voted off, he/she can now say they were the doctor. (This skull cannot be activated at the same time as the Nobody Knows skull.)

You Saved Me! skull: Activating this allows for a doctor not to be targeted by the mafia for 3 rounds if they successfully save a victim, including themselves. Example: If you were doctor, and saved person A, and the next round mafia tries to kill you, the mayor will announce in the recap that you were a victim, but the doctor saved you, even though you may have not saved yourself. (This skull only works once per game)

-Don't underestimate your opponents. In a game of 12 people, we had 3 mafia, a doctor and sheriff, and seven civilians. By round 3, 2 mafia had died along with two civilians, and one civilian was saved. The one mafia left was me, so I pulled my trump card: my psychological attacks. I turned everybody against each other, and acted as their moderator. By the last round, it was two civilians and me, meaning that if either of them died, I won. I finally used my "I helped you clause" which entails "Don't you remember that he tried to vote you off two rounds ago, and I helped saved you? Why would I have reason to kill you now?" That always gets them. In the end, I single handedly defeated 7 other players, whose reactions were: Dear God, who is this kid? But really, don't underestimate the younger people of your group, or the silent, or the over talkative.

-Another thing as sheriff, you need to learn how to defend others. If you know who the innocents are, try to keep them alive. If you are playing against 2 mafia, and 1 has already died, then use your authority against them. "Okay everybody, there's only one mafia left, and it's person C. I know because I'm the sheriff. If he doesn't end up being the mafia, you could kill me, but then we would have already won the round." That is a very aggressive sheriff play.

-Mafia need to know how to wage a war, even if it means sacrificing one of your own. Say it's a normal 8 person game, with two mafia. You've already killed 3 people, and both mafia are alive, so secure your chance by making it to the end. Nobody ever suspects that mafia would kill mafia, so when the mayor asks to vote somebody off, and your buddy is screwed, go for it. People will think that since you went after mafia (after he's proven of course) you probably aren't mafia. Use that as your argument too. "You remember Mafia B? I helped you guys get rid of him, and we've made it this far, there's no way I could be mafia, because that would be too high of a risk."

Now go back the way you came on the left side of the boat, then stealthily knock out one of the men playing poker at the front of the boat. Your friends will take care of the rest of them... with bullets.

From there I was cruising and up a little over $300,000 after just a couple hours. As one player quit, another joined us and killed my mojo! He beat me every pot I played against him and put a big dent into my profits. Mostly by having the better hand, but also by playing his hands well and getting a little lucky to boot. One fun PLO hand against him I will share with you.

There is no evidence whatsoever that Edward II was either weak or effeminate and it is pure homophobia, much of it modern. that paints him as such. Almost all historians dismiss the account that his death was by insertion of a hot poker.

The 88-year-old Brunson, who has had a legendary career as a professional poker player for over five decades, was profiled by Joe Levin in Texas Monthly as the World Series of Poker heads toward its main event in July.

The profile of Brunson describes a man who has cheated death but whose success at the poker table is attributable to a combination of a preternatural skill at reading people, plus a brain that was able to tabulate card odds through intense repetition before it was fashionable to use computers to do it.

At some point, everyone except the victim, BULL TAIL, and his brother left the house. The victim, who had won quite a bit of money at the poker machines earlier in the night, gave his mother the keys to his car and his money (his parents lived in a nearby house), and then went into his house and passed out. 0852c4b9a8

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