Adds thousands (yes, I checked and it is actually in the thousands) of first person animations that overwrite the janky and outdated vanilla ones. Includes unique animations depending on weapon type (so axes, maces, and daggers are no longer used like swords). Does not require Nemesis or FNIS to work.

I recently decided to get a first person combat setup going and am having a hell of a time with it, all the good combat mods seem to be built for 3rd person specifically or just don't even work for 1st person. All I've really found is SkySA's wonky first person addon, FP Revo and Elder Scrolls Deliverance on ADRI's Patreon, absolutely nothing else. Anyone have any ideas that aren't Smilodon, Wildcat, Valravn or Vigor?

Skyrim First Person Animation Mod


It seems like 99% of the community focus on combat is to attempt to make it as Dark Souls-esque as humanly possible. Every discord and patreon is promising some new revolutionary 3rd person combat overhaul. Some of these do look very impressive. Third person combat in general has come very far in Skyrim! However, for some of us Elder Scrolls will always be a first person game. Floaty and imprecise to be sure but that's part of the Bethesda experience. I'm just curious if there are any ongoing efforts to improve first person combat with the zeal that the community does with third person? Improved collision? Something to make the impacts feel more weighty and visceral? Things like hitstop and knockdowns are a step in the right direction but I just wish there was more out there to look forward to. Any Vermintide 2 fans out there? Far Cry Primal? Dishonored? Dying Light 2?

The short of it is that I'm looking for combat/animation mods that are meant for gameplay in first person. There are plenty of third person combat mods but I personally dislike playing Skyrim in third person as interior areas are not build for third person gameplay.

Skyrim combat mods and animations are seeing a comeback in a big way the last few years and it's become a huge trend that basically every animation mod released is third person. With the only notable exceptions being Size Matters, FP Revo, Finally First Person Magic Animation and Archery Gameplay Overhaul. These are the only notable first person combat mods i know of, now, this is a lot better than what it was in 2018/19 when i last played, it's still not great. Meanwhile third person mods have seen huge jumps in progress and interest. I know i can't be the only one who is kinda disappointed in the state of FP gameplay as someone who exclusively plays in first person and has done so for every TES game.

I just can't get into most of the third person combat animations because they all look so ridiculous, they're either some silly flipping spinning twirly nonsense or they make the game look like the Witcher 3/dark souls. (If anyone knows of more grounded/HEMA based animations i'd love to try them.) Or maybe i'm alone in this and i should shut up and just make my own mod. (I would like to, but RL, maybe soon.)

Edit: forgot Combat Gameplay Overhaul and Le Sentiment du Fer as they both add first person animations. But after those two, unless i forgot anything else, your pickings of first person mods is next to nothing.

I want to like first person modded skyrim. I have tried both first person animation combat overhaul (size matters) and comprehensive first person animation overhaul and they aren't what I expected. Don't get me wrong Im not trying to undermine the efforts of their creators since they are not bad at all but they can be quite janky like animations get cut off at the start and they just get quite boring after a couple of hours. I also cannot get any of the first person camera mods (the ones that let you see your legs etc.) to work. I am planning on switching to third person mods to see whether they actually are better or not. I have had people tell me that third person is worse but Im not sure. Which do y'all prefer and what mods you you use?

(Precision ) - Gives a weapon trail, and makes hits line up properly. Had to make the hitbox a little bit bigger than it actually is because first person is hella deceptive. It's why skyrim has janky hitboxes in the first place, because animations don't line up properly with hits in first person

Has anyone noticed that the first person greatsword idle just kind of... freezes. Like, you're holding the sword and instead of idling gently with it in your hands, it goes static. No other 2H weapon does this. The heck?

Please Note: These animations are for first-person use only. The animations are staged to look best from a specific first-person camera angle, meaning things that happen off-screen may not look natural!

For some reason the first person mode is really messed up, aiming a bow in third person is also quite strange.I have tried a few first person enhancement mods and in the end disabled them all, I also installed the XP32 mod, but the problem still persists even after disabling all those mods.

I had the exact same problem. To add onto what akselmo said, it is indeed Immersive First Person View which causes the trouble. The problem is that you failed one simple but crucial step before uninstalling - making sure you were not in first person view. The fix is simple: load up the save with IFPV then switch to third person view and save and quit, then remove IFPV. That's it. It even says to do this on the nexus page, something which I also initially missed.

Make sure the DLL file from Data/SKSE/Plugins/FirstPersonPlugin.dll got removed properly. Make sure you are not using Joy of perspective skeleton. Make sure you were not in my mod's first person view on that save game when you uninstalled.

So you may need to reactivate the mod, reset the mods settings to default/press the uninstall button, enable the normal first person view or third person view before saving and then quit the game and uninstall the mod.

First time posting on here and I'd love to to see some recommendations for camera mods to allow first person view during animations, I've seen mods for Sexlab that allow this but I'm a Flower Girl user, I've heard Improved Camera works but only on a few animations, what mods would you recommend to me to achieve this? I don't mind having to configurate things

It's a pretty typical indie origin story: three friends living in a development hub, working at a studio owned by a major publisher, decide to leave and go it alone to make something of their own. A few years and a successful Kickstarter later and the game is in early access: an episodic, first-person adventure with light survival elements called Kna.

It's not the team's first project as Parabole. After cutting their teeth at Beenox, Fiset and friends did some contract work for the Canadian government, producing health apps and educational tools, as well as some advertising work. I'm a little surprised that they didn't dive directly into their first indie project once they'd slipped the bonds of Activision, but Fiset exhibits a level headed approach to personal development.

IIRC, the voice acting is one of the first actual production things that tend to happen, with regard to the characters. It happens before animation, often before exactly what the circumstances of the cut-scene actually are. So the voice performance might be with, in mind a completely different situation than what ends up in the game. A exposition conversation originally planned for a quiet office might get changed to being in a moving vehicle or in a tavern by the time that the game script is actually frozen, which will lead to a soft-voiced conversational presentation when the characters SHOULD be trying to talk over traffic and engine noise, or six other nearby conversation. be457b7860

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