KodeKiddo KiddoHack 2020

Intro to Python Skills for Artificial Intelligence

Part I: Web Scraping

In the first workshop in this series, participants will learn how to scrape the web for data using Python. They will scrape Tweets from their favorite celebrity or other public figure’s Twitter. Then, they’ll edit a chat app that responds to messages with Tweets.

Part II: Data Cleaning

In the second workshop in this series, participants will use data cleaning techniques to improve the data set they retrieved from Twitter using regular expressions.

Part III: Use Your Data in a Bot!

In the third workshop in this series, participants will feed their data into a Markov chain bot. They will compare the quality of responses from data scraped from Twitter (a small data set) to data retrieved using the Twitter API (a larger data set). At the end of the series, participants will have a fully functional, deployed Markov chain bot of the celebrity of their choice!