Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for this KidBasic App

  • The Information we collect
      • This KidBasic App may collect data transmitted on Google API and usage information on this app. This includes information about the storage capacity of your device either directly or via the permissions API. This app may also collect the Google ID of the app, a consistent identifier.
      • We also use the Google and Apple stores to transmit payment information to Google or Apple accordingly whenever you make a purchase with this app. The information may include your banking information or credit card or debit card information. This transmissions are only ever initiated by you at will. Your financial or sensitive data is never collected without your express permission and direct action by you making a payment.
      • This app also occasionally displays advertising from various advertising networks including but may not be limited to Google, Unity. Some of the advertising banners or videos from this networks may ask you for information about your or your device however we do not interfere with or regulate your user interaction with these add networks. They are not affiliates of our app or company and you are responsible for any interactions with these companies or their promotions.

  • How we use the information
      • We use the information collected to help determine how much storage capacity we may need to provide our app assets in your device and we may help you determine what you need.
      • Our app also transmits your payment information to Google or Apple depending on what payment platform you are using to make a purchase from our app. This happens every time you make a purchase from our app, depending on whether you are using a Google or Apple platform. The purchases will be limited to the items available for sale in our app including items such as, but not limited to game boosters and power ups.

  • What information we share
      • KidBasic Corporation only shares your payment information or storage information or pertinent device information such as for installation or update of our app with Google or Apple, depending on your device platform. Other than as stated, we do not share any of your information with any other third parties.