[2023.May 31] - [2023 June 2] 

[ILR kickoff meeting]

venue: [NAOJ@Mitaka, Tokyo]

registration for on-site participation has been closed (15 May)


The rationale of this workshop

The JSPS program of International Leading Research (ILR), “Comprehensive understanding of the formation history of structures in the Universe” has been launched in December 2022, and will continue for 6 years. The main objective of the project is to facilitate collaboration between young researchers in Japan and leading international institutes around the world, with the goal of advancing our understanding of the formation history of structures in the Universe.

 The purpose of this kickoff meeting is to introduce our project to partner institutes and facilitate the exchange of research ideas. One of the primary objectives of this workshop is to identify potential collaborators and initiate scientific collaboration projects. However, if this goal is not immediately achieved, we will continue to work towards it step-by-step. We anticipate that this opportunity will help us better understand the research interests of our partner institutes and pave the way for fruitful collaborations in future focused workshops.

The summary of our ILR program can be found here.



Confirmed Invited Guests

Buell Jannuzi

University of Arizona

Eiichi Egami

University of Arizona

Tim Eifler

University of Arizona

Elisabeth Krause

University of Arizona

Jared Males

University of Arizona

Olivier Guyon

University of Arizona

Brenda Frye

University of Arizona

Adriano Fontana


Paolo Ciliegi


Andrea Ferrara

Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

Celine d’Orgeville

Austrarian National University

Noelia Martinez Rey

Austrarian National University

Karl Glazebrook


Francisco-Shu Kitaura

IAC, Spain

Shy Genel

Flatiron, CCA

Takahiro Morishita




[National Astronomical Observatory Japan]

[2-21-1, Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan]


Yuichi Harikane, Tadayuki Kodama, Yusei Koyama, Mikio Kurita, Yusuke Minowa, Hironao Miyatake, 

Satoshi Miyazaki, Kentaro Motohara, Ken Nagamine, Atsushi J. Nishizawa(Chair), Masamune Oguri

contact : sendow_[at]_iar.nagoya-u.ac.jp