Fantastic Contraption was originally a building game made way back in 2008. Millions of people played it obsessively and saved over 12 million contraptions. You can still play it for free. For years we loved the idea of a 3d Fantastic Contraption but couldn't figure out how it would work. Then we tried the Vive.

The new Fantastic Contraption has been designed from the ground up for room-scale VR. Imagine walking around a grassy island in the sky while you build a machine the size of a horse with your own hands. Press play and watch it trundle off to reach the goal on the other side of the island. With 40+ levels and infinite solutions, it's a VR experience you and your friends will play for hours.

Fantastic Contraption was a launch title bundled with the HTC Vive and is also available for Oculus Touch and PS VR. Download screenshots and more at our presskit or contact us at

Loving this game. LOVING it. A top 3 PSVR game, personally. The feeling of watching a contraption make its way successfully across tough terrain is seriously satisfying. But my main complaint is that the central mechanics are frustratingly vague (and some crucial components are practically hidden!). So I thought I'd share what I've found about the mechanics to help other players enjoy this gem to the fullest.

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Trigger: Move part X: Move all connected parts at once Square: Reposition work area. Hold down for 3 seconds to recalibrate. Trigger+X: Remove part from contraption Center Button: Play/Stop contraption

The 'correct' solution to a level must be completely within the cubic area marked by the light green grass square (you'll notice little red circles when you drag something outside the area). You can 'pass' the level by having a contraption's parts extend outside of this area, but it doesn't fully count. In level select, a level without a 'full solution' has a red base, whereas fully passed levels have a magenta base. There's also gold bases for not using powered wheels, and little icons (stars and such), which I don't rightly know and can't find online.

A level solution must be 'fully passed' to count towards any achievements. If an achievement isn't popping, check that the contraption is within all bounds (and the level is not red in level select). In a couple so far the bounds were not where I thought they were, because I hadn't looked closely.

Another great thing about Fantastic Contraption it the game offers a lot when it comes to longevity of the title. Firstly the 50 levels offer a lot of play time when the difficulty spike hits, with the trial and error of building the initial contraption. Then add to the the fact you can always return and try to build a completely different one, and the possibilities are endless. I also at times myself making random contraptions not even trying to get to the goal, just to see what I could do.

Players assemble contraptions with the goal of moving the level's goal object past obstacles and into the goal area. Contraptions are built using various types of rods and wheels, may only be built in the workshop area, and must somehow get the goal object into the goal area by any means possible. Doing so wins the level. Players can play for free with a set of premade levels. In the past it was possible to gain the ability to create their own levels and play other user-made levels for $10, but server support for the games ended in February 2015.[6]

It's such an easy game to get into. The aim of each level is simple: transport the red shape from the start area to the goal area. You do this by creating contraptions to haul, fling, or otherwise encourage said red shape to its destination. And you only have five very simple components with which to make these contraptions. There are clockwise and anti-clockwise wheels, which if connected by their centre node will constantly turn in the specified direction. There are un-powered wheels, which only roll if they're pushed by something else. Finally there are two types of rods (water and wood) which can connect to the various nodes of wheels (and to each other).

Colin Northway: We first tried the Vive at Valve so we played The Blu (an underwater experience), Tilt Brush (a VR art toolset) and Job Sim (a tongue-in-cheek job simulation). It was fantastic. We went in being lukewarm on the idea of VR and then came out being like 'Okay, yeah, I could dedicate my life to this, I guess!'

[Fantastic Contraption is about making these contraptions out of sticks and wheels to accomplish particular tasks]. If you had to have a stick that was as tall as you were you would sweep your hand from the bottom of the floor to the top. If you're working on a contraption like a machine you need access to all sides of it so you'd be walking around it the whole time.

You save and load the same way. If you want to save a contraption you've got a little model of the contraption you've built. Pick that up and put it down on the table. Then you can come back the next day and it's still there on the table.

Fantastic Contraption 2 is the sequel to the original Flash hit Fantastic Contraption! Developed in response to fan requests, Fantastic Contraption 2 contains the anticipated features of magnets, moving platforms, and a new integrated badge system. Users will also be able to conquer more than 60 new levels, master linking chains, and build creative contraptions of their own using the new Level Editor!

"The single camera on the PlayStation is concerning," Moore said. It should be fine for most games where your hands can be far apart, but in Fantastic Contraption you sometimes need to bring your hands close together to manipulate your contraptions, and the team worries the PlayStation VR may have trouble keeping both hands tracked separately.

The new Fantastic Contraption is a remake of an old browser game in which you must transport a ball towards a goal by building a vehicle to carry or push it there, and it has been designed from the ground up to be a room-scale VR game. The game makes players feel like they are walking around a grassy island floating in the sky making a contraption the size of a horse with their hands then watching it roll out into the world. It's a one of the first virtual reality social experiences and it shows the direction this medium can take in the future.[1]

According to Andy Moore, a developer working on the game, the experience when playing Fantastic Contraption is like building a model ship in a real space. Players grab, resize, and position various types of rods and wheels in order to assemble contraptions with the goal of moving them past obstacles into the goal area. The assembly process can happen only in a designated workshop, thus giving importance to careful planning and preparation.[3]

Fantastic Contraption is surreal building game for Vive VR. Create life-sized machines as tall as you can reach, then send them whirling, flinging, and trundling off to solve puzzles on the other side of a floating island. Your task is simple: get the squishy purple ball to that goal off in the distance, or above you, or on the other side of that gap. And your tools are elegantly minimalist: spinning wheels and stretchable rods. But the solutions are endless, and there are no right or wrong ones.

We've designed this game from the ground up for room-scale VR. Come immerse yourself in a strange skybound archipelago and befriend Neko the photosynthesizing cat. Build contraptions with your own two hands, life sized and as big as horses, right there in front of you. Play with the physics, juggle pieces, throw darts, and feel another world all around you.

Its a very faithful port of the Vive version, all the bells and whistles are complete, the only difference is the playing area being scaled down to compensate for the PSVRs more limited camera tracking. 50 levels are offered here with the next level being locked before you complete your current one. This is achieved by completing the simple task of building a contraption that, when you set it into motion, will then (hopefully)move to the red goal area victory. Simple on paper but much more difficult in practice.

World of Contraptions is a physics-based building game in which you build the most varied contraptions to solve the most diverse types of puzzles. Win dozens of levels with different types of obstacles. Design the best contraption for each challenge using a giant collection of blocks.

A surreal building game for VR. Create life-sized contraptions as tall as you can reach, then send them whirling, flinging, and trundling off to solve puzzles on the other side of a floating island. There are no right or wrong solutions, so bring your creativity.

An open ended puzzle game. Design and build your own machines to combine ingredients to make chocolates. Automate production using simple components to create ingenious contraptions, which are as satisfying to watch as they are to optimise.

Furthermore, if you just can't beat that one level, don't worry. Colin Northway has done an excellent job of allowing players to easily share their created content. Users can easily save and share levels (after a painless registration), so you can see the funky contraptions that others have made. However, instead of having to share long obfuscated level codes, the game gives you a short URL to copy. In addition to the extra levels, the 10-dollar expansion also allows you to create and share your own levels.

Noticed something strange. If you play the same setup a couple of times, the result will always be exactly the same. Logical. But then, if you, say, change a wooden stick to a waterstick, let it go, then reset the water stick to a wooden stick again, the results will sometimes be different then originally. The nodes haven't been moved so it should be guaranteed that the contraption looks exactly the same as originally. Still sometimes it works differently.

There's something fishy about this design you linked, fuzzyface. First of all, as I said, the target ball is in a different starting position. Then, as you start the contraption, the target ball starts upward very suddenly and at once as if something was sucking it upwards. What does it??? be457b7860

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