Digital Technologies

Our Digital Technologies Centre is an area for students to learn to use technology as a tool for their learning. Over the course of the year students will be compiling pieces of work that will be showcased in the Art & Digi Tech Show - December 12th 2018

Digital Technology Skills for Term 4 -


Students in Prep will continue to extend their skills around using their digital portfolio 'Seesaw.' Preps will be using an application 'Pic Collage' to create posters and also to collect small sets of data i.e. favourite ice-cream flavours.

Year 1

Students will continue to work on applying coding skills to create an animated picture. Using 'Scratch Junior' student will be creating their own characters and settings in order for their pictures to tell a story.

Year 2

Year 2 students are creating a short animation using 'Scratch Junior.' Students are coding backgrounds, objects within backgrounds and characters to tell a short story from movements.

Year 3

Students in Year Three will be learning a variety of coding skills within tutorials through the program 'Tynker.'

Year 4

Year Four students will be building upon their vocabulary of coding and using this knowledge when discussing their work. They will use to further develop their coding skills in animation and coding.

Year 5

Students in Year Five will be increasing their knowledge in coding by using the program 'Scratch.' They will be creating their project based around animation or a game.

Year 6

Students in Year Six will compile surveys on 'Google Forms' to compile and analyse data sets. They will continue to enhance their skills in Google Apps to understand how cloud based programs work.