I am a PhD student at INRIA of Rennes University. I joined the Genscale team in September 2021. Genscale, lead by Pierre Peterlongo, is part of IRISA team.
My PhD is co-supervised by Pierre Peterlongo and Camille Marchet and funded by ITN-ALPACA. ALPACA stands for algorithms for pangenome computational analysis. So the main topic of my PhD is pangenomic graphs.
Prior to my PhD, I did a master 2 degree in bioinformatics at the University of Paris Saclay with a full scholarship from DIGICOSME. My internship topic was about the prediction of RNA 3D structure using deep learning methods. It was done in the IBISC lab under the supervision of Fariza Tahi and her PhD student Louis Becquey.
In 2020, I finished my first year of the master degree in computer science at the American University of Beirut (AUB). One year before, I obtained my bachelor degree in computer science from the AUB with a full scholarship from the United States Agency for International Development USAID.