第62回KG CAPSセミナー 11/11 Kasey Creswell先生(Carnegie Mellon University)

講演者: Kasey Creswell 先生(Carnegie Mellon University)

日 時: 2023年11月11日(土)9:00~11:00

場 所: オンライン(Zoom開催)

講演タイトル: Mechanisms of Self-Regulation Failure: Studies of Cigarette Craving and Alcohol Intoxication

要旨: Self-regulation failure results when an individual is unable to override the usual consequences of an impulse. A broad range of societal (e.g., addiction, crime, teenage pregnancy) and personal (e.g., eating binges, shopping sprees, gambling) problems are a result of self-regulation failures. I will present a program of research that examines the mechanisms of self-regulation failure, using cigarette craving and alcohol intoxication as experimental models. I will begin my talk by describing studies that use manipulations of cigarette cravings to reveal the underlying cognitive and affective mechanisms linking craving states to subsequent self-regulatory failures. I will then focus on a series of studies examining how alcohol consumption serves to regulate emotions (i.e., relief of negative affect and enhancement of positive affect) and social functioning.  Broadly, my work aims to understand the mechanisms underlying the development and maintenance of addiction and seeks to identify those who may be particularly vulnerable to addiction.