第49回KG CAPS研究会 7/10 Igor de Almeida 先生(追手門学院大学)

講演者:Igor de Almeida 先生



タイトル:Understanding people through their creation: Cultural products as a means of research in psychology 

発表概要: Research in social psychology is usually done through experiments, most of the time inside universities in western countries. The field has been severely criticized for these reasons, lack of sample diversity and research bias. In answer to that, researchers have been diversifying samples and methods. In this talk I will talk about the use of ‘cultural products’ as a means of doing research in psychology. Cultural products, such as books, religious texts and art, often reflect a society’s cultural values through culturally-imbued aesthetic of their creators. Cultural products are designed to attract as much attention as possible from audiences in a given cultural context, in particular by displaying cultural values. For instance, previous research has analyzed cultural products to better understand cross-cultural differences in emotions, independence, interdependence, hedonism, happiness, masculinity, etc. With today’s easy access to products from around the world, as well as the difficulties in conducting research with participants due to the Covid-19 pandemics, this method of conducting research tends to become common practice in the field.