So I was initially let down a little bit by the Ghaz datacard reveal today. I felt that he was weaker than I would have wanted (only T6!? and only 6 attacks?!) So i started looking back at all the reveals and started to notice that there seem to be two different tiers when it comes to epic heroes. Ones that are "Leaders" (can be attached to units) and those that are "Lone Operatives". Pulled pics of each into mspaint ( ) so enjoy that! In general the characteristics of each are...

First Blood: it has different nodes than the standard Global Events but get past chapter 1 and early chapter 2. Most of this requires battling or finding souls of event heroes. You can use the event rares/epics you find in your team as they tend to have better stats than your non-epics. If you need to summon, use your scrolls (not your gems!!!) to get past those nodes. Stop when you get paywalled and keep farming bosses and HoF (ads help a lot here if you have them) to grind runes and pick up the three epics (legendaries are ironically easier to unlock in this game so grabbing the three epics is more crucial than getting any of the legendaries.

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- make sure to complete epic quests: join/create a guild, do Turf War, upgrade journey chest a bit, evolve/level quite a bit, kill heroes - do daily/weekly quests as much as you can without spending gems - again, do not forget to rebirth your (legendary) heroes when you can. This quickly boosts max. might while also pumping up card skills a lot in some cases.

On birth charts (see below), solar eclipses (left) are depicted by both the sun and moon coming together at the same lunar node, whereas lunar eclipses (right) occur when the sun and moon hang out near opposite nodes at the same time.

[9] The Ulysses episode is not cast in the mode of sarcasm or irony but of tragic, heroic, flawed greatness. The author does not intend to cut his hero down to size as he does Capaneus and Vanni Fucci, at least not within the borders of Inferno 26. The adjective grande that stands at the threshold of the bolgia that houses the Greek hero casts an epic grandeur over the proceedings, an epic grandeur and solemnity that Dante maintains until the beginning of Inferno 27.

The epic hero, mythic, belonging to the realms of earth and heaven and moving between the two, embodies the essential qualities of the relationship between God and man. The heroic epic is a majestic blending of tale and myth, heroic poetry and history, dwelling on major turning points in history, always with a towering historical or nonhistorical figure who encapsulates the turning point, linking pivotal events to tradition. The effect of the epic is to mythologize history, to bring history to the heart of the culture, to endow history with the resonant roots of the society as these are expressed in myth, tale, motif, and metaphor. The significant genre involved in epic is not history but tale and myth. As the tales take routine, everyday experiences of reality and, placing them into the fanciful context of conflict and resolution, with emotion-evocative motifs of the past, give them a meaning and a completeness that they do not actually have, so in epic is history given a form and a meaning that it does not possess unless history is seen as myth. The imaginative environment of epic revises history, takes historical experiences and places them into the context of the culture, giving them thereby cultural meaning. The epic hero, linking heaven and earth, god and human, fancy and reality, gives historical disjunction a cultural continuity. 006ab0faaa

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