Been searching how to do it, but the closest I got was to use xinput set-button-map. Unfortunately, this seems to only work for devices like mouses. I like tried fetching what the button map is for the numpad with xinput get-button-map [device id] but it just prints numbers from 1 to 7 and I definitely have more buttons on my keypad, so it doesn't necessarily make sense.

A reported keyboard event includes the virtual key that caused the event, whether the key was pressed or released (or is repeating), and the state of the keyboard at the time of the event. The keyboard state includes information about whether any CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT keys are down.

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You will need xinput installed for this task. This can be done entirely in your .xsessionrc file. First, use xinput to discover the name that is assigned to your mouse, which is then correlated to an input device ID. Below is some sample output from my laptop:

While you still know the ID of the device in this session, find out how many buttons the input handler thinks your mouse has, by using xinput list deviceID. This may be different from the number of buttons that is apparent on the device.

Now that you know its name, you can use xinput test deviceID to figure out which key to remap. Press the mouse buttons you want to map from and to, in order to get their indices. (For reference, 1, 2, and 3 "always" (i.e., usually) refer to the left, middle, and right buttons of a 3-button mouse. A common re-map reverses these to make the mouse left-handed.)

Now that you know what your mouse is called, and which buttons you want to change, you can write an ~/.xsessionrc script that invokes xinput to execute the button re-mapping at startup. Below is my complete script.

The first line here sets a temporary session variable equal to the ID of the mouse as reported by xinput. This is done by greping for the known name of the mouse in the report from xinput, then using sed to extract the ID number from that id=xxx token in the report. This value is then used in an xinput set-button-map directive, which executes the re-mapping. In the example above, the only change is that button #9 is being re-mapped to mimic button #2. All others remain at their default setting.

Use xinput list and xinput test to discover your mouse's device ID and the number of the button you want to assign. In my case, I wanted to map the bottom side button (#8) to a double-click of the left button (#1).

Create or edit ~/.xbindkeysrc. The format of this file is a series of paired lines. The first line is a command to be executed for an event; the second line is the event description. We will use the xte component of xautomation to send events directly to the input handler.

It will not integrate with System settings but is working quite fine on my laptop with a cheap 5-button-mouse. It can remap to keystrokes and commands too and the configuration is much more simple than with any other method!

On Linux when using X11/Xorg, when you use xinput to disable they keyboard (e.g. xinput set-prop $ID "Device Enabled" 0) the 'key-up' event is not send (because you've disabled the keyboard). This is noticable if you enter that command on the command line, it'll act like you're holding 'enter' down. This is because the command (which disables the keyboard) runs before you lift your finger off the enter key.

I am writing a programme that needs to disable the keyboard, and want to avoid this problem. Is there any way/command to "release all the keys that are currently pressed" (which could be run just after the "disable the keyboard" command)? Or is there a command/way to "get a list of all the current keys that are pressed" and a way to manually/programmatically send the "key released" event? (This way I could disable the keyboard, see what keys are pressed, and then 'release' those keys).

xinput is a pretty blunt instrument and you're hitting a bug that's more than two years old which means it isn't likely to get fixed. Indeed, the bug is probably far older than that, and could be considered "expected behavior" by someone making use of it.

What you experience is a peculiarity of how keyboard events are processed by terminal emulators and the shell reacts. When you press enter the shell will execute the command given to it, and your command xinput ... will finish before enter is even depressed. Since the keyboard gets disabled no key release event will be even entering the event processing.

How to work around it: Either wait for all keys to be depressed before actually executing the detach, or just add a sleep before the xinput command (those are both race conditions, so it's not 100% reliable).

I think what you want is a virtual xinput controller. If so, you should check out the relatively new but excellent vgamepad library. It's a wrapper around vigem, so you can send your keys to a virtual Xbox controller.

Tutorial after tutorial I find the best way to do it is with xinput, but nothing I do works; the command seems to get executed -gives no error message-, but the internal keyboard just ignores it and follows its merry way.

xinput --float "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard" >> After doing this, xinput list shows the keyboard as [floating slave], and at the same indentation level as virtual core keyboard... But it doesn't have effect on the laptop keyboard, still working. If I then do xinput --reattach "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard" 3, the keyboard appears again as slave to Virtual Keyboard.

Combining these two techniques doesn't work as expected. Simultaneously pressing physical buttons 1 and 3 (left and right click) simulates physical button 2 (which has been remapped to logical button 8), rather than logical button 2. Any suggestions of how I can simulate logical button 2 instead? I was thinking of using xbindkeys, but it can't detect simultaneous button presses.

There are three things called "Razer Razer Ouroboros Gaming Dock", but this is actually just a mouse. Because this mouse somehow manages to appear three times (maybe because it's wireless) with the exact same name, I cannot refer to it by name with xinput:

$xinput --list-props "pointer:Razer Razer Ouroboros Gaming Dock"

Warning: There are multiple devices matching 'pointer:Razer Razer Ouroboros Gaming Dock'.

To ensure the correct one is selected, please use the device ID, or prefix the

device name with 'pointer:' or 'keyboard:' as appropriate.

Thank you for the reply! So summed up for future reference, in command line lingo, SEND causes a command to be sent to the keyboard, SLEEP causes a pause in milliseconds, and brackets { } go around names of keys to be pressed?

I'd avoid using xinput if I could, because the ipac has worked incredibly well out of the box.. but for running fighters from Steam, there doesn't seem to be any other way. The source of my question is due to a problem with multi-mode hotkey switching.. I started off holding the shift+P1SW3 hotkey to switch to xinput, which works splendidly. Upon holding shift+P1SW1 to switch back to keyboard mode, however, fails to switch back, as no shift key appears to be assigned in xinput. Assigning a shift key in win-ipac and switching back to keyboard mode works, but it won't maintain the configuration unless the board is forced to reconfigure from the menu.

What seemed to work, however, was creating separate profiles for the keyboard and xinput modes, and manually switching between them in win-ipac. I forgot to mention in my original post that I e-mailed Andy from Ultimarc; he noted that while the keystrokes work for switching on the fly, switching the profile in win-ipac was in fact the preferred method via command line interface, and also recommended creating a .bat file to do so. After some more searching last night, I found this from their website.. "This program can be run "invisibly" from a command line by simply appending the name of an already-saved IPC (config) file: Winipac.exe "

I'm assuming that I would need a startup and a shutdown script to run this properly? A command to open win-ipac, another to run that command to change from the keyboard IPC file to the xinput IPC file, and one more command to close win-ipac.. shutdown would be the opposite, a command to open win-ipac, another to run that command to change from keyboard to xinput, and one more to close win-ipac?

Hi Team,

I am having Dell Vostro 2520 laptop. Recently, the brightness control shortcuts using Fn keys is not working. Although the volume control shortcuts are working perfectly fine. I assume this is due to some updates which I did available from the Software and Updates tool . As these brightness controls were working perfectly fine since the day I installed this distro 2 years back. I tried some of the solutions found on net like changing /etc/default/grub file with

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor". Earlier, it was "quiet splash nouveau.modeset=0" but it set the screen to full brightness which is not acceptable.

Note that, I do not have a Nvidia driver in my laptop.

Kindly advise me on this fix.

Hi @olek, I will try these tomorrow. Have couple of queries:

Do I need to install xinput tool ?

What do you mean by send brightness command from the keyboard ?

The Additional drivers tab does not show any drivers.

Will also look into Dell website for display drivers

@olek, I tried the above 2 suggestions: xinput and changing the bios. Unfortunately both the things didn't work. Infact, after changing Fn to multimedia, I was not even able to changing the volumes. Only mut volume was working. So reverted it back.

Hi, is it possible to use 4 pots (two for x axis and two for y axis) instead of just 2 (one for x axis and one for y axis)? I was messing around with another xinput library (MSF-XINPUT) and I have exhausted all possibilities without a positive result so I thought that maybe your library will be more flexible. I need every direction (left, right, up, down) to hove its own potentiometer. 006ab0faaa

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