Covert surveillance video will never be the same again. This WiFi Enabled keychain video camera operates just like other models but gives you the added functionality of remote command and control. 

P2P Local WiFi for Ultimate Control.

The PV-RC200HDW has an on board WiFi interface that will broadcast a signal so that you can connect your smart phone or tablet using the free app. Simply connect the app to the camera wirelessly and view, review, and download video in the field. Effective range is about 50 feet so you could be watching the footage as your partner captures it. Uploading to remote servers from the field is finally becoming a reality. 

Keye Wifi Camera App Download

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If you work in the P.I. field, this camera is a must-have. I do a lot of surveillance (AOE/COE, insurance fraud) and this model is by far the best covert camera I have ever used. I own numerous covert cameras including the Pen Recorder Pro HD500 and there is simply no comparison. This wifi enabled keychain shoots high-quality HD video with a motion activation mode. It also has a stabilizer which allows for much smoother video than most covert cameras. I doubt I will use any other covert cam for a long time. Anyone in the industry who performs surveillance on a regular basis should have this item as part of their arsenal. Unknown on 9th Aug 2017

This is one heck of a product. It's simple to use. It's very discrete. I did a couple field tests with some friends no one suspected this was a camera. I showed them later and they were flabbergasted. If you want to record hd quality video discretely this is for you. I do have to point out when the key fob arrived at first it didn't record sound. Wonderful staff at quickly sent me a firmware update and that did the trick. There is also an app you can download to go along with this product. On the app you can configure SSID settings. You can even set SSID so it's undiscoverable meaning you have to manually type in network name [and password] to connect to the device. This is great by the way. The last thing you want is to have a discoverable network for this device so the network can be seen by others when they check their wifi settings. Undiscoverable SSID is a great feature. When you connect to the device via app you can configure resolution settings. I was a bit nervous about the frame rate. I saw ~20fps on YouTube and wasn't a fan. But the fps rate here (29 or 30, I forgot) is amazing. No matter how quickly you move it there is zero lag. Using the app you can even connect to the device with your phone, set the product and move upwards of 20-30 feet away and you can record or take photos with your phone. There is even motion activated recording option but I did not try that out. I will point out one more thing. As far as I understand you can only take photos via the app. 

Overall this is a great great great amazing amazing amazing product. Highly recommend it. Never know when you'll use it but you'll be glad you had it with you when you do need to use it. E.D. on 25th Jun 2017

2a) If you already have an existing set, but you don't know the password, you can find it. There's a menu option to "Review/Change settings", pick that. Then pick "Change Set." then pick "Easy Connection" and the next page will show you your existing camera SSID name as well as the encryption key (that's the WiFi password).

Ok, so at this point you've either created a new setting or you've chosen an existing set. You will probably be parked at a "waiting to connect" screen (the page that shows the camera name & password should say "waiting to connect" along the top.) Now it's time to grab your phone.

3) On your phone, go into your WiFi settings. Note this is not the Canon Camera Connect app -- you want your generic WiFi settings menu for your phone. Pick the camera's wifi network and enter the password (that's the 8-digit numeric "encryption key" that is displayed on the back of your camera) and join the network. You're almost done.

4) Now open the Canon Camera Connect app on your phone. Since your phone has joined the camera's wifi it should now see the camera listed in the Canon Camera Connect app. But keep in mind that this app is designed to work even on networks with more than one camera... so you have to pick the camera (tap the choice on the phone screen) even though there is only one choice (if you had joined an "infrastructure" network with lots of cameras then you could see more than one choice.)

If you are at your house (or working out of a studio) and there's a WiFi network available at the location... then you can have your phone and camera both join the same WiFi network (this is sometimes called "infrastructure" mode because you join existing WiFi infrastructure.) In that mode you need to know the WiFi password of the network you want to join (e.g. such as your home WiFi network).

If you are out in the field shooting and there's no WiFi network available, the camera can create it's own WiFi network (the caveat is that this WiFi network doesn't really connect to the Internet... you're just using it so the camera & phone can communicate). In that mode, the camera creates a WiFi network (or "SSID" which stands for "service set identifier" and it'll probably default to a name that has "Canon" in the name and probably the camera model number. It will also create an "encryption key" (that's the WiFi password) and when I do it for my camera, it's just a set of numbers (e.g. it could be "12345678" except it'll be random). On my camera I can enable WiFi, go into the "WiFi function" menu, go into the set and view the details and it'll show me what the key is. But you can also just delete it and walk through the wizard that lets you set up a new connection and key.

Another options... IF your phone supports WiFi "tethering" (sometimes called "hotspot" and it's a feature that the mobile carrier may charge extra to use) is meant to allow you to use, say, a laptop... and use your phone to create a mobile WiFi hot-spot for your laptop (so the phone is basically your internet modem). In this mode (and it's not available to everyone ... that feature must be enabled on your phone plan) you can tell the PHONE to create the WiFi network and tell the camera to join the WiFi network create by your phone. (so it's basically the reverse of the case in the paragraph above). The advantage to this is that your phone continues to have internet access (you could take a photo... and immediately use your phone to share it out to a social media site). (Note: I just tested this on my camera and despite that I do have tethering/hot-spot, I cannot get the software to work in this mode. The camera does connect to the phone, but the Canon 'Camera Connect' app doesn't see the camera.)

I find that Canon's setup menus are a bit more confusing than they need to be. I'm highly experienced in this area and even I found it a bit confusing. I also had a case where the camera & phone would establish the network link in the settings menu... then I'd go open the Canon "Camera Connect" utility and the connection would immediately drop (I never did figure out why it was doing that... but by blowing away the settings and just starting over the problem went away.)

After purchasing my T6i I was able to connect the camera to my app and download images with no error. I recently changed my iphone, downloaded the same app and I'm unable to link my iphone to the app.

Under my WiFi settings I can link to the camera sometimes, half of the time I can connect with no issue and other times I try and connect and it prompts me for my password and it returns with incorrect password. I was able to link my old iphone to the camera with Bluetooth and no problem, and now I cannot connect with Bluetooth.

I'm glad you got your issue sorted but you don't say how. A useful response would have included steps you took so others don't have the same problem. As for the base creating a WiFi network for the wireless cameras, that's well-known and understood that you can't connect to it. Now, more to the point, I don't know why 1) you connected to it and 2) why it knocked other devices off the network. While I can fight my way out of a wet paper bag without a machete, I can't always envision what's going on over the Internet. A few folks have had at least somewhat similar issues as you but no one has ever responded with what they did to get things going or if they just gave up. We can't be mind-readers or know everything. ff782bc1db

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