Kevin Hobbs

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Executive

About Me

Kevin Hobbs’ road to entrepreneurship began after attending Dalhousie University in Halifax for business administration and management. He began his career as a day trader in 2005 for Swift Trade in Vancouver. From there, he went on to become Vice President of Sales and Marketing at, and in 2015, Kevin Hobbs returned to the corporate trading world. In this role, he was responsible for the sale of foreign currency to clients with respect to relationship management.

Realizing the potential for growth in the blockchain industry, Hobbs became the CEO of Vanbex Group in October 2015. Being one of the experts in cryptocurrency and blockchain in Canada, Kevin Hobbs in Vancouver has advice for other business leaders.

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Kevin Hobbs Vancouver - Vanbex Group

Kevin Hobbs, CEO of Vanbex Group, is responsible for overseeing operations and providing vision and leadership for the Vanbex Group of companies. A cryptocurrency and blockchain technology industry veteran, Kevin Hobbs joined the company just five years ago and, since then, has led the company as it’s evolved from a three-person team to a full blockchain laboratory with more than 65 employees.

Kevin Hobbs Vancouver on growing a business

Kevin Hobbs says that his road to becoming an entrepreneur in the blockchain space began back when he was still a trader. During times that were slow, he started doing market analysis and learning more about the bitcoin space and educating himself, and became a successful trader in the space across multiple coins on various exchanges. This allowed him to stay at the table in many of the conversations that still exist today that are leading the advancement of the blockchain industry.

Get more details about blockchain technology on Kevin Hobbs’ blog:

Kevin Hobbs Vancouver - Implementing Blockchain Technology

Kevin Hobbs often advises companies who are new to the space on how to implement blockchain technology. He says the goal is to get the basics right. His advice to companies moving to public or multicloud environments is they should establish a strategy for encryption before expanding to more advanced crypto technologies. Cryptography services can benefit any enterprise, small or large, and you can learn from those who were successful or failed before you by simply doing an internet search to find out which ICOs raised decent amounts of money and what they did to accomplish it.

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Kevin Hobbs & The Future of Blockchain

Kevin Hobbs is particularly interested in how Blockchain technologies innovate how business is done in the future. He is regularly invited all over the world to speak at conferences in the blockchain and financial technology industries.

If you want to know more about Kevin Hobbs and blockchain technology, then log on to:

Kevin Hobbs on life lessons

In this article, Kevin Hobbs Vancouver shares his favorite life lesson quote that has been especially relevant in his life.

Love is passion, obsession, someone you can’t live without. Find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back.”

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain expert – Kevin Hobbs Vancouver

The CEO of Vanbex Group, Kevin Hobbs says Vanbex Group is a company that has evolved from a strategic communications and consultancy firm into a full blockchain laboratory, helping established companies and startups alike harness emerging technology for a changing world.