
My name is Kevin O'Neill. I am currently a Gibbs Assistant Professor in the Applied Math Program at Yale University working primarily with Anna Gilbert. In 2019, I received my Ph.D. in mathematics from UC Berkeley under the direction of Michael Christ and then worked as a Krener Assistant Professor with Kevin Luli at UC Davis.

My current research interests are primarily in applied math, focusing on manifold fitting, embedding of data, and dimension estimation. I retain interest in Whitney-type problems with a particular emphasis on nonlinear problems.

My earlier research was in harmonic analysis, in particular problems related to extremizers and stability theorems.

For more information, see the "Research" tab of my page.

In my free time, I like to read books, watch basketball, and train for marathons.

Current Information (last updated March 8, 2024)

Spring 2024 I am teaching MATH 481: Senior Seminar: Topics in Economics and Mathematics. Office hours are by appointment.

You may contact me at kevin.oneill (at) or view my CV here.