Keto Diet Simplified Review

KETO APPLICATION GUIDE: simplified approach

The Keto Diet for Beginners guide aims for a simplified approach to the ketogenic diet.

The big question is that Keto isn't always the easiest to explain and understand.

Keto feels magical when you get down to business. Hope this guide finds you and makes things a little easier!

A traditional ketogenic diet contains about 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbohydrates broken down by macronutrients. These guidelines are designed for people with epilepsy.


When I started a ketogenic diet, I always thought the rules were too strict.

At the other end of the spectrum, I also knew that I shouldn't have trusted carbohydrates when given free intake.

My solution is a livable combination of the two that can be used in the long run.

I follow these guidelines in my version of the Keto diet:

Track basic information with MyFitnessPal

calories (eat within the recommended calorie limit)

carbohydrates (net daily 20 g or less)

adequate protein intake (to prevent muscle loss)

Eat your daily calorie residues from healthy fats and proteins until you are satisfied.

Listen to your body

Eat when hungry and stop when full. If you're not hungry, don't eat.

Eat food that you really enjoy. Don't force anything you don't do.

If a food is negative, consider removing it from the plan.

Electrolytes and water are not optional

You can choose to get your electrolytes from food or supplements. I get sodium and potassium from food, supplemented with magnesium.

Drink enough water to stay hydrated, especially if you are drinking coffee. If your urine is clear, you drink too much. If it's dark yellow, you're not drinking enough.

Love yourself

You'll make mistakes along the way, and that's okay. Don't live!

The goal of consistency to perfection - "Practice becomes permanent".

If you fall off the track, you don't have to compensate for anything. Notice how it feels and go back inside!


Keto is a shortened version of the word ketogen or ketose. The metabolism of ketosis causes the body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates for energy.

Most people who consume carbohydrates rely on sugar for energy. This is because the body converts all carbohydrates (including foods such as fruit, potatoes, and candy) into glucose. Glucose (and most of the other things that end up with -posing) are just imaginary words for sugar. The body stores excessive amounts of these carbohydrates as water mass and for later energy use.

When an energy source is changed into fat, the liver creates a byproduct called ketones or ketone bodies. These energies can be used in the same way, if not better, than glucose.

Ketones in the liver are made up of fat in our food and fat stored in our body. Excess is excreted in the urine and is not stored (unlike glucose).

Benefits of the KETO diet

Several reported benefits of adhering to a keto diet include:

lose weight

improved blood sugar

mental purity

improved mental health

decrease in inflammation

intermittent skill is easier

better digestion

hormonal regulation

seizures and migraine improvement

KETO can also help improve conditions a lot:

Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance

obesity and metabolic syndrome

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

prevention of heart disease

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and fertility problems

depression and anxiety


Research shows that a ketogenic diet holds promise in cancer prevention and recovery.


Ketosis is triggered when the body burns its stored glucose stores, commonly called glycogen. The simplest way to breathe through glycogen is to keep carbohydrate levels low for long periods of time.

The rate of entry into ketosis can also be increased with training or fasting.

One important thing to consider: Ketosis is triggered by the lack of carbohydrates, not the presence of fat.


When following a keto diet, you need to make choices like carbohydrates and fats.

Here are some of the more keto-friendly foods you can enjoy:

Meats and seafood - all types of meat, eggs, bacon, marinated meat, organ meat, fish and shellfish

Fats: Butter, Coconut Oil, Animal Fats, Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Nut Butter, Ghee, MCT Oil

Dairy products - full cream, heavy frothed milk, cheese and other low-lactose dairy products

Vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, mushrooms

Fruit: blueberries

Keto Diet Simplified

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