Keto Diet Simplified Review

What is the Keto diet?

Keto diet is a very low carbon, high fat diet. It is similar in many respects to other low carb diets. When you eat too few carbohydrates in your keto diet, you will maintain a moderate intake of protein and increase fat intake. Reducing carbohydrates leads your body to a metabolic state called ketosis, where fat burns energy from your diet and the body.

What is "Keto"?

The "keto" or "ketogenic" diet is so named because your body produces small fuel molecules called "ketones". 5 This is an alternative fuel source that your body can use when your blood sugar (glucose) is low. Distribution. When you eat too little carbon or too few calories, your liver produces ketones from fat. These ketones act as a source of fuel throughout the body, especially the brain.

The brain is a hungry organ that expends a lot of energy every day and does not directly affect fat. It can only act on glucose - or ketones During a ketogenic diet, your whole body changes its fuel supply and burns 24-7 study fat, it depends on the fat. When insulin levels are too low, fat burning increases significantly. Accessing them will make it easier to burn fat stores

This is great if you are trying to lose weight, but without the sugar peaks and ravines that are often found during a high-carbon diet, there may be other benefits, such as hunger and energy reduction. It can help you stay alert and focused When the body produces ketones, it enters a metabolic state called ketosis. The fastest way to get there is to fast - eat nothing - but on a regular basis no one will be able to. A keto diet can cause ketosis and can be eaten indefinitely. It has many benefits of fasting - including weight loss - without fasting for long periods of time

Diet Review: Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss

What's this?

The ketogenic or "keto" diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet plan that has been used for centuries to treat specific medical conditions. The ketogenic diet was commonly used to control diabetes in the nineteenth century. Introduced in the 1920s as an effective treatment for epilepsy in children with ineffective treatment. The ketogenic diet has also been tested and used in microscopic monitoring settings for cancer, diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, and Alzheimer's disease.

However, the Atkin Diet (a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet, which was a commercial success) that began in the 1970s has gained popularity as a low-carb diet, and this diet is gaining attention as a strategy to lose weight due to the low-carb diet craze. Today, other low-carb diets, including Paleo, South Beach, and the Dukan Diet, are high in protein but moderate in fat. In contrast, the ketogenic diet is characterized by high fat content, usually 70% to 80%, but only in moderate protein intake.

How it works

A Prerequisite for Weight Loss on a Ketogenic Diet If you lose glucose from carbohydrate foods, the main source of energy in all the cells in the body - the ketones are produced from stored fat (hence the term "genetic"). The brain needs the most glucose in a steady supply, 120 grams per day, because glucose cannot be stored. During fasting, or when eating very few carbohydrates, the body primarily stores glucose in the liver and does not release glucose to the muscles. When this lasts for 3-4 days and the glucose is completely depleted, the level of the hormone in the blood is called insulin, and the body begins to use fat as the primary fuel. The liver produces ketone bodies from fats that can be used in the absence of glucose.

When ketone bodies accumulate in the blood, it is called ketosis. Healthy individuals naturally experience mild ketosis during fasting (eg at night sleep) and in very busy workouts. Proponents of the ketogenic diet say that if the diet is followed carefully, the blood ketones do not reach harmful levels (known as "ketoacidosis") because the brain uses ketones as fuel, and healthy individuals produce the insulin needed to block ketones. . How fast ketosis occurs, the number of ketone bodies that accumulate in the blood varies from person to person, depending on factors such as body fat percentage and metabolic rate at rest.

Keto Diet Simplified

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