Kernicterus Lawyer Lawrence, IN - Hoosier Injury Attorneys

Kernicterus Lawyer Lawrence, IN - Hoosier Injury Attorneys - (463) 234-7774 

Hoosier Injury Attorneys handle cases related to kernicterus. Kernicterus is a rare neurological disorder that occurs in infants. Our experienced Kernicterus Lawyer Lawrence, IN know how to handle the complex issues that come up when dealing with these types of cases. If you were injured due to kernicterus, then you may be able to recover damages in a lawsuit.  Call us today to set up your free consultation. Hoosier Injury Attorneys Lawrence IN

Hoosier Injury Attorneys

Kernicterus Lawyer Lawrence, IN

5625 Sunnyside Rd #14

Indianapolis, IN 46235

(463) 234-7774

What is Kernicterus? 

Kernicterus is a rare form of bilirubin toxicity that results from an extreme elevation of bilirubin in an infant. This can occur when the infant is not fed with enough milk or is not fed a proper amount of milk. When the infant is not given enough milk, the mother's body tries to keep the baby healthy by making more bile to help process the milk. If the baby is not given enough milk, the bile that is made to help process the milk cannot be processed properly. As a result, the bile becomes toxic and can cause severe neurological damage in the infant. Kernicterus can be diagnosed when the infant has a yellow coloration of the skin and whites of the eyes. Kernicterus can be prevented by ensuring that the mother is feeding her infant enough milk. If the mother is breastfeeding, the infant should be fed every two to three hours until they are at least seven days old. 

If the mother is bottle feeding, the infant should be fed every two to three hours until they are at least five to six months old. If the mother is not breastfeeding or bottle feeding, the infant should be fed every four to six hours until they are at least one year old. Kernicterus is also known as kernicterus syndrome. It is usually found in full term babies who are not breastfed. Kernicterus can be diagnosed through blood tests. If the bilirubin levels are high, the doctor may test the infant's urine to determine whether or not there is any jaundice present. If the doctor suspects that the infant has jaundice, they will then need to perform a blood test to see if the bilirubin levels are too high. If the bilirubin levels are too high, the doctor will need to treat the infant's jaundice.

Do I Need a Kernicterus Lawyer Lawrence IN? 

Kernicterus is a potentially fatal condition that can develop in infants after receiving too much bilirubin in their blood. This occurs when a mother passes too much bilirubin into her breast milk which is then fed to her baby. Kernicterus can cause permanent brain damage and even death in infants. It is important to know that it is possible for an infant to survive this condition. Many children with kernicterus have a normal lifespan and go on to have normal adult lives. However, it is important to know that these children will suffer a lifetime of physical and mental disabilities. Kernicterus is a condition that needs to be diagnosed as soon as possible. When it is diagnosed, an infant should be treated immediately. 

At Hoosier Injury Attorneys Lawrence IN, we believe that all people deserve justice after an injury and that’s why we fight tirelessly to make sure that happens. Our Kernicterus Lawyer are experienced in birth injury cases and know how to fight insurance companies aggressively. If you or someone you love has developed kernicterus, please contact us immediately; we can provide advice and assistance regarding potential treatment options, as well as information about possible legal recourse and compensation for any medical expenses incurred as a result of the condition. In the case of a medical condition, it is important to be aware of any potential legal recourse and compensation for any medical expenses incurred, as this can provide valuable information and assistance in managing the condition. 

What are the long term effects of kernicterus? 

Kernicterus is the medical condition that can result from bilirubin toxicity and is a potential complication of severe neonatal jaundice. Kernicterus is a result of a high level of bilirubin within the blood stream, which damages the brain tissue of newborn infants. The damage is permanent, and many infants will require long-term treatment, care, and support. Kernicterus can be caused by a number of things including prematurity, lack of breastfeeding, prolonged exposure to light, and genetic mutations. Kernicterus has a significant impact on the health and well-being of the baby and family. This can include life-long neurological issues, mental retardation, speech and language problems, poor vision, hearing loss, seizures, and behavioural problems. It also affects the family and can cause long-term financial hardship. If you believe your baby has been affected by kernicterus, contact the experienced lawyers at Hoosier Injury Attorneys in Lawrence Indiana. Our team will provide free consultations and provide advice and guidance on what your next steps should be. We understand that the situation you find yourself in is very difficult and we want to help you. You don’t have to go through this alone. We have experience and expertise in helping families through these challenging times.