Best Treatment for Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is also known as chicken skin, and under the skin condition, there are some rough-feeling bumps that tend to appear on the skin. The tiny spots look-alike pimples but are actually dead skin cells clogging hair follicles. The condition is often found on upper arms, thighs, cheeks, or buttocks and the best of all is that it isn’t contagious. It also doesn’t cause any itching. But it worsens during the winter months when the skin becomes dry. By the time one reaches 30, Keratosis Pilaris usually clears up.

Treatments of Keratosis pilaris:

Dermatological treatment is one of the best treatments for keratosis pilaris if the experts are well experienced in treating the condition. They might prescribe over-the-counter and topical creams like Keratosis Pilaris with 12% Glycolic Acid & 2% Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Lotion to remove dead skin cells or prevent hair follicles from being blocked.

Lifestyle and home remedies:

One should know that DIY measures won't prevent keratosis pilaris, so it is vital to go for the best keratosis pilaris treatment as they would improve the appearance of the affected skin. While using a new product, one should first test it on one area of the affected skin, including the arm, to see if the product works for them and doesn't cause a reaction.

Use warm water- Hot water tends to remove oils from the skin, so one should limit bath or shower time to about 10 minutes or less. Hence one should go for warmth instead of hot water.

Gentle to skin- one should avoid harsh, drying soaps; instead, one should gently remove dead skin (exfoliate) with a washcloth or loofah. Ideally, harsh scrubbing or removal of hair follicle plugs may irritate the skin and aggravate the condition. After washing or bathing, one should gently pat or blot the skin with a towel to maintain some moisture.

Go for medicated creams- One can apply over-the-counter creams, including lactic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, or salicylic acid, as it helps loosen and remove dead skin cells. One can put on this product before moisturizing.

Moisturizer- After bathing, skin is still moist, so one should apply a moisturizer that contains lanolin, petroleum jelly, or glycerin as they soothe dry skin and help trap moisture.

Avoid friction- One should protect affected skin from the conflict which is caused by wearing tight clothes.

One should go for keratosis pilaris treatment at home using My Touch Skincare’s specially formulated products for Kp if the condition is too severe. You will be shocked to know that so many people from all over the world suffer from Kp and this skin condition is absolutely treatable using the right set of products and skincare practices. To know more about how you too can get rid of Kp and have flawless skin at home, simply log on to our website, For more details and amazing skincare tips, make sure to follow us on Instagram as well.