Kerala Flood Relief 2018

We are ONE group of dedicated individuals from the local Kerala area and abroad trying to help the affected families by the recent Kerala Flood

Our goal is to support the families badly impacted. We have witnessed this flood disaster and its impact with our own eyes. We have seen the struggling families, trying to rebuild their life and homes. We visited these home to assess the impact and needs of these families. In addition to supporting many other relief activities and funds, we believe that supporting these families directly, would make a bigger impact in everyone life.

This is how we are doing it and have done it.

1. Our team visited flood hit areas and spoke to impacted families.

2. Identified the families, that need the support. Used attached calamity form to get details.

3. Compiled a list of household and kitchen items to be donated(excluding food and clothing).

4. Created a project to support at least 25 families.

5. Our team approached multiple vendors at multiple locations to get best possible wholesale pricing and quick delivery.

6. Donate items in person to impacted families with acknowledgement.

Our goal is to support at least 25 families with a max budget of $5000.

Happy to say that all five projects are now COMPLETE.

Thanks to people on ground who made this happen.

Project #4 supported by friends of PUNYAM, CA

More updated about various projects are available @ relief activities page

Nov 11th, 2018

Project#4 by PUNYAM

Project#4 is now COMPLETE.

Thanks to PUNYAM team, Raju Paul, Limesh and the team at Thoyakavu for your time, money and efforts. We are sure your hard work has touched many lives.

Nov 11th, 2018

Distribution of items

Happy to say that our Project #1 and Project #3 (to support 58 Families) is now complete.

Hats off to SVDP community, friends and family, and people on the ground for spending countless hours of work, especially for all ground work, including identifying the families, loading, unloading and distribution of these items and many more....

Aug 31st, 2018

Impacted homes

<< Here are some of the homes that we visited soon after the Kerala flooding. Heartbreaking to see these families. Not knowing where to start their life. Team decided to support these families, by providing basic household items to reinstate their lives.

Aug 24th, 2018

Project #2 updates

Benson, Jayesh and their teams visited places in and around Meloor and Chalakudy area, to identify the impacted families. All items distributed to much needed families. Project #2 is now complete. Big THANKS to the team.

Sep 24th, 2018

Damages explained

Team visited the homes again today. A homeowner explains about the damages.

Aug, 26th, 2018

Relief team in action

Team visited these homes again today and and spoke to many of the affected home owners. More from some of the impacted area.

Aug, 26th, 2018

More from relief team

More updates from relief team, trying to assist families

Aug 26th, 2018

MCA team wanted to help on their ways

Angelyn and Diya together with many other relatives and friends were involved in relief activities organized by our own team in Chengannur , Kerala .

They gave a touch of their school - MCA. Went to visit a local public school and distributed notebooks to students. Many students lost their books and belongings during the flood. It was hard to see kids drying up the soaked notebooks to continue their studies.