lately ive been listening to all the stuff from Just emma and Kerala Dust and have been wondering, if any of you could help me out with some info. First - what genre even is this? Its hard for me to pinpoint, as it has a lot of electronic, even analog elements- but really cares about vocals and acoustic percussion, guitars etc. Is it Electro pop? is it some form of melodic house? Right now im trying to recreate the song "Maria" from Kerala dust: =IoN_ZaoFSW8 It start with this very certain sound on top of the snaps and the muted vintage drums, that i cant seem to get right. It's defining for the music of both bands. How do i do it? what is it? How should i go about the drum/kick design regarding this kind of music? Any sort of resources are welcome. Experience, tips, tutorials, examples.... anything, i just want to dig into this genre :)

The reson why i mailed you was, my nephew wanted to learn chenda, as he is doing his 8th standard i guess it is the right time for him to learn, even as i'm more intrested in culture of kerala and karnataka and its traditions, i would like to suggest him the indian kerala percussion (which is most respected in our karnataka also), I need some directions from you that do you suggest any one in bangalore or any schools in bangalore does they teach chenda. Kindly let me know and it will be a great helpful. 


Basically I'm a cinematographer and i traveled entire india for many projects for shooting and document the permorming arts, the more which i liked and found was the ethnicity and devotions to the culture, which i found in here with Keralites, Kannadigas, Tamilians And Telanganas. very recently i watched Bhuta Kola In mangalore, it was mind blowing where the used chanda... I was So much impressed and want my nephew to learn this. Kindly help me to know some information. my mail ID is

Kerala Drums Song Download

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Structure: The madhalam is a cylindrical two-headed drum with a body made of jackfruit and a head made from cow or buffalo hide. There are three types of madhalam drums: toppi maddalam, vira maddalam, and suddha maddalam. Each is constructed slightly differently, varying in size and tonality. For example, the heads of the suddha maddalam have distinct pitches.

While the more established names drew crowds with ease, some of the lesser known bands were a pleasant surprise like Mumbai's Spud in the Box. With lyrics that sound way beyond their years and song writing that isn't shy of oscillating between genres, the band really stood out.

The Balakrishna of Travancore sings ragas in Tamil, Sanskrit, Hindi and Telugu, accompanied by Anand Mohan on sitar and tabla. These ragas, which follow specific melodic modes used in South Indian classical music, are songs of praise or devotion to God.

A buffalo-horn trumpet, the hakum, announces the joyful harvest festival and varying types of drums called mandri, kotoloka and kundir take over. A group of women chant antiphonally in leadership of the wedding festivities. Men dance on stilts, creating an intoxicating rhythm that is guided by drums. This is a...

A buffalo-horn trumpet, the hakum, announces the joyful harvest festival and varying types of drums called mandri, kotoloka and kundir take over. A group of women chant antiphonally in leadership of the wedding festivities. Men dance on stilts, creating an intoxicating rhythm that is guided by drums. This is a snapshot of the musical practices found within the Bastar district of India, a region mostly comprised of tribal groups including th...

A buffalo-horn trumpet, the hakum, announces the joyful harvest festival and varying types of drums called mandri, kotoloka and kundir take over. A group of women chant antiphonally in leadership of the wedding festivities. Men dance on stilts, creating an intoxicating rhythm that is guided by drums. This is a snapshot of the musical practices found within the Bastar district of India, a region mostly comprised of tribal groups including the Muria and the Gonds. 17dc91bb1f


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