Songtao (Kenneth) Ma

I am a first-year graduate student at University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. I obtained my undergrad degree in Mathematics at University of Wisconsin - Madison, under supervision of Prof. Andrei Caldararu and Dima Arinkin. Further before, I was majoring in electronic and informational engineering at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). 

I am interested in algebraic geometry and its intersection with physics and representation theory. In particular, my experience is mainly related to derived category of varieties, enumerative geometry and related moduli spaces. Recently, I am applying Bridgeland stability conditions to study derived category of Fano varieties. On the other hand, I am learning techniques of developing correspondences between GW/DT/PT/GV invariants.

My Chinese name: 马崧涛

My email: skenma at umich dot edu


     arXiv: 2310.16950, Submitted for publication.

     Preprint here is almost complete except for a gap in remark 6.2.

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