My passion has always been about teaching survivors of unloving relationships to love themselves and surround themselves with people who love and appreciate them. If you, too, want to learn how to do that, my Break Free Membership has all the tools you will need.

There was never really any closure to the relationship. I hate using the word closure but it seems to be an appropriate representation of the situation. We just stopped talking. And it did not take long.

Kem I Can 39;t Stop Loving Download


Is it possible? I still very much love and miss my ex. We were together for 5, almost 6 years. We have a 13 month old son together, and broke up pretty much right after I found out I was pregnant. So almost 2 years.

The reason we broke up is because he was very emotionally abusive and controlling. He would tell me what I could/couldn't wear, who I could/couldn't hang out with or talk to, and screamed at me anytime I even looked at another guy. He also cheated on me with at least 6 different girls (that I know of) so the possibility of us getting back together is not realistic.

I just want to know if I will ever be able to stop loving him. Although our relationship was mostly bad, I still miss the good SO much. Every time I see him interacting with our son, my heart aches. I haven't been able to start dating anyone else because I compare them all to him. What can I do to stop feeling this way? I've distanced myself as far away from him as I can, and never communicate with him unless it's about our child. But I still think about him almost daily, and dream about us getting back together often. I have gone to a few sessions of therapy, but it's so expensive. Does anyone have any advice? I don't want to miss him like this anymore, it's killing me. Like Reply 20+ Similar Discussions Found 12 CommentsNewest FirstOldest FirstViolation ReportedReport as Inappropriatehugmorecatsif everyone you date comes up short when compared to someone who emotionally and psychologically abused you, you need to do some serious self-assessment to figure out why you feel that way.

One day, I will stop waiting for you to come back. I will move on with my life and create new memories. I will go on to achieve what I want to do. I will be bold and motivated to pick myself up and regain my old energy. I will start taking failure in stride and pursue the dreams that I longed to achieve. I will live each day to the fullest and determined to make each moment count.

One day, I will stop loving you. I will let you go fully, totally, and without restraint. I will look back at our past objectively and acknowledged that there were good days but the unhappiness outweighed the good. I will be convinced that I did the right thing by ending it with you because you were never right for me. I will stop living in the past and start cherishing the present as well as being excited by the brilliant possibilities of what the future will bring me.

Loving someone is a strong feeling. It can take over your thoughts and be your sole focus. Whether you shared a loving relationship or had a long unrequited love, learning how to stop loving someone can be brutal.

So, not only are you dealing with trying to stop loving your ex, but you are also trying to deal with sorting through all those overwhelming emotions that it brings up too. [Read: How your first love affects your future relationships]

So, if you are struggling with how to stop loving someone, the first step is to continually remind yourself of why you broke up in the first place. Here are some common reasons, and you will probably see yours on the list.

It may be a hard thing to realize and accept, but once you do, you need to stop loving them and move on. Save your love for someone who cares just as much about you as you do for them. [Read: How to fall out of love when you see no future]

Think of something new and take some time to focus on yourself. If you have to find a cause for the dismantling of your relationship, then focus solely on yourself. Find things that will make you feel better. [Read: How to stop caring about someone who once meant the world to you]

You can always care for the one you loved before in some capacity without loving them. The goal is to look back on these memories with a smile and appreciation, not pain. [Read: How to let go of someone you love with absolutely no bitterness]

If you want to truly learn how to stop loving someone, take time for yourself. Instead of focusing on them or the love you still have for them, love yourself. [Read: How to focus on yourself and create your own sunshine]

You need and deserve someone who will always make you want to be the best person you can be. That includes not wanting to treat them badly. If you were miserable and crabby all the time, you have to stop and think about why you felt that way.

What was it about being with them, or about your life, that made you not so much fun to be around? Instead of worrying about not loving them, you should try to think of ways to love yourself until you find the right person that will make you fall even more in love than you were and will bring out all the best in you.

Loss is a searing feeling, but being with the wrong person for a lifetime is a waste of a lifetime. Ultimately, the answer to how to stop loving someone is this: learn to love yourself first and foremost. And as hard as it seems right now, you can and will do this! 17dc91bb1f

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