Grand Canyon/Sedona, AZ

Story: We visited the Grand Canyon in January 2020. We landed in Flagstaff AZ and spent a couple of days there preparing for our multi-day hike through the Grand Canyon. Our original plan was to hike down the Hermit trail to Granite rapids, then along the Tonto trail, and return up the Bright Angel trail. During the first day of hiking, I felt more tired than I should have felt, but didn't think much of it. That night, I started feeling really bad; it turns out that I had the flu. So the next day we had to hike back up to the top of the Grand Canyon, and cancel the hike. It took a few days to feel half-decent again, so we instead went to Sedona for a hike there. In the end, we never got to hike through the Grand Canyon (but, I will attempt to redeem myself in the future).