Keith Kelley Photography

Keith Kelley

Yes, I may be 16 but I have a passion for photography and put in lots of work! I have props, backdrops, ring lights, etc. And ofcourse a camera, I mean how else could I do photography? Haha, I do like my jokes! So, I am out here showing some of my best works hoping to get somewhere far, I currently just take photos for myself or family/friends. In the future I actually hope to eventually become a photographer for some celebrities, maybe even myself if my career goes right. Honestly I do quite a few things, I act, I take photos, I even edit, sometimes I get a little artsy too. I am from Canada and love to take photos out here. Something I am hoping to eventually achieve is by making this a little career of mine, a sweet photo in return for some cash. I say fair deal, right? Lot's of people don't really want to hire a kid but once you take a look at my work, you're gonna change your mind.

Keith also makes music: