Speaker: Archak Purkayastha (Trinity College Dublin)

Date: July 15th, 17:00- (Jpn time)

Style: Zoom

Title: Periodically refreshed baths to simulate dynamics of quantum devices

Abstract: Quantum devices generically consist of an interacting quantum many-body system connected to multiple baths at different temperatures and chemical potentials. Obtaining the dynamics of such a system either numerically or analytically is a challenging problem. This is due to a combination of the prevalence of strong correlations in the system, the infinite nature of the baths and the long time to reach steady state. In a recent work, we have developed a general formalism that allows access to the full non-Markovian dynamics of such open quantum many-body systems up to the non-equilibrium steady state (NESS), provided its uniqueness. Specifically, we show how finite-time evolution in presence of finite-sized baths, whose opportune size is determined by their original spectral density, can be recursively used to faithfully reconstruct the exact dynamics without requiring any small parameter. Such a reconstruction is possible even in parameter regimes which would otherwise be inaccessible by current state-of-the-art techniques.

Ref: https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.10236 (accepted in PRB).