PowerToys Awake is a tool for Windows designed to keep a computer awake without having to manage its power & sleep settings. This can be helpful when running time-consuming tasks, ensuring that the computer does not go to sleep or turn off its screens.

While PowerToys Awake can keep the computer awake indefinitely or temporarily, in its default state the displays connected to the machine will turn off. If you need the displays to be available, use the Keep screen on switch, which will keep displays active.

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The settings.json configuration file is located at %HomePath%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\PowerToys\Awake\. "Keep awake temporarily" options can be adjusted by modifying the "customTrayTimes" value, an array consisting of name and duration (in seconds) to stay awake. For example: "customTrayTimes":{"8 hours":28800}.

I'm trying to find a way to enable the Developer options -> Stay awake option via ADB.The solution that I found was to find a way to open developers option menu and then enable stay awake option using setevent command in ADB.

Okay I know it is not what MiSo was asking but I think it may be relevant, I have created an app that will enable/dissable this 'Stay awake' setting as you connect/disconnect ADB.

The code is available open-source here: ABD-Stay_Awake

I have a PC that I access via remote desktop, during specific hours of specific days of the week. It's inconvenient to get to physically, so I want it to wake up on its own and stay awake during those hours, but be able to sleep any other time. I neither need nor want it to "wake on LAN" (mainly because a) I don't want it waking up every time I just open a Windows Explorer window, and b) I have found the "wake on LAN" feature to be finicky and unreliable).

Just change the value to whatever you like, i.e. something long enough to keep the computer awake as long as you want it to stay awake after waking up to run a schedule task. Set the value to 0 Minutes to disable the timeout completely; this will allow the computer to follow whatever the power plan's regular "Sleep after" setting is.

This script, when compiled and executed, keeps my computer's screen saver from running, even after several hours. I put this script together using ideas and bits of scrips that I found in this form and internet. It is one of my first scripts, but I think it has some interesting things to share, such as the programmatic ForceSingleInstance technique and the dragable thick frame around the gui form's button.

As the central part of my 'stay awake' program, your mouse solution and the pause button that I went with would both work, yours because it returns the mouse to where it was and mine becuase the pause button is ignored by any of the programs I use.

It may seem strange that I'm now interested in calling the Windows' Screen Saver after some time, but now that I can keep the computer from being locked, I'd kind of like to have the screen saver running when I'm not there to see the screen.

I think we are talking about different things. Suppose you could "activate" the (or an other) screensaver, your own screen saver would never activate since you keep your mouse moving every minute. That is why I think you would need to create your own. Your own screen saver would need to "see" the difference between moving one pixel automatically v.s. moving multiple pixels by hand (and hence deactivating again).

Now that you've 'spelled it out', yes, my script will need to know that its keeping the system awake AND run its own screen saver of some sort until the user does something to awaken it. Too bad because I don't think that I could duplicate my favorite screen saver - its the one with the different color ribbons that drift around the screen. But, I know how to do the simipler bouncing line version, so I'll try that. Alternatively, there were a bunch of nice fireworks simulations floating around a few years ago. Maybe I can find one of those. Thanks for your comments.

Even though you may have had a sleepless night, you may still need to have a productive day. Learning how to keep yourself awake following a night of lost sleep, requires you to learn which of the following methods your body best responds to.1

Stay hydrated

While coffee or tea can help jumpstart your day, too much can dehydrate you or make you restless. A good way to stay awake without caffeine is to drink low or no calorie fluids, such as water or herbal tea. Fluids help your circulatory system and get your blood flowing. If you have a headache from too much caffeine, fluids can help relieve it.

Keep your space cool

A warm room can make you tired, and a cool room does the opposite! Crack a window for a refreshing breeze to keep your blood flowing and your energy level up.

Exercise. Regular physical activity can keep you energized and allow you to sleep easier at night. Even though you may not feel like exercising if you have daytime sleepiness, physical movement will make you feel less tired in the long run.

Practice sleep hygiene. Your sleep hygiene refers to your environment and daily routine that could affect your nighttime rest. To maximize your sleep hygiene, keep a consistent sleep schedule, free your bedroom of distractions, make sure your sleep space is comfortable, and follow a relaxing routine before you go to sleep.

Another technique, called stimulating breath, is used in yoga for a quick energy boost and increased alertness: Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Make your in-and-out breaths short -- do about three of each cycle in a second. Then breathe normally. You can do this for up to 15 seconds the first time and then add on 5 seconds each time after until you reach a minute.

This last summer, I house-sat for a friend in Richmond, where I took care of a beautiful Samoyed dog named Stogie and three cats. One of my first nights there, I woke up at around 4 am to Stogie barking at something outside the bedroom window. I got out of bed, looked outside and saw a family of 6 raccoons feasting on some cat food that I had left out. I banged on the window and was happy to see that I could frighten away these fearless creatures. But then Stogie started barking again and ran into the living room, where I heard him make quite a commotion. I figured he was just panicking so I walked into the living room to assure him that there was nothing to worry about. And as I stepped into the living room, half-awake and half-dressed, I heard an unusual growl and, as my eyes grew accustomed to the dark, I started to make out the bandit-eyes of a furry intruder. I then started to make out its teeth and claws, which it was very eager to display. One of the raccoons had broken into the house by way of the cat door.

I like those words. I know Jesus means that, if we are awake and alert, and paying attention, we might just see amazing grace in the crazy world around us these days. If we are awake and alert and mindful, we can experience the wonderful presence of God in the most ordinary of events. Even in the most scary or painful events, we can experience the holiness of God.

But I think those words mean something else, too. They mean being prepared. There is no way that any true human being can literally stay awake all the time. We need sleep. On that Sunday three years ago, we needed to be asleep.

So, staying awake, spiritually, means another thing. It means being prepared. That night, three years ago, was certainly a crisis, but there was no way we resolved it simply by staying up all night and waiting for it.

Your 3 a.m. awakenings may occur infrequently and be nothing serious, but regular nights like this could be a sign of insomnia. Altering your sleep habits, reducing stress, and seeing your doctor about factors that may cause disrupted sleep can help you avoid these unwanted awakenings.

Stress may be the first thing to consider if 3 a.m. awakenings are a new thing. When you feel stressed, your body activates your sympathetic nervous symptom, and you may jolt awake in the middle of the night.

On a server with 3 people, Mines are useless as the sector sleeps often the moment a player leaves it, and only 5 or 6 sectors are being kept in memory. This is on a machine doing nothing else with 6GB remaining to use. Extending the number of sectors to keep around would band-aid the problem for now, until there is a patch which makes sectors with player owned stations not sleep.

That said, if you are interested in keeping certain sectors awake, such as to make player-own factories and mines useful even when they're not in the sector, you may be interested in Laserzwei's Out of Sector Production mod:

While I don't know what the performance would be like on a server, it sounds like it should not impact performance very much. It does not actually keep sectors awake. All it does is simulate factory and mine production.

Look for sectorUpdateTimeLimit and set it to the number of seconds you want sectors to stay awake after the last player leaves. Will probably cause immense lag if you explore a lot or if you play with a lot of other players.

Being closer to the teacher is a great motivator to stay awake in class. Studies have also proven that sitting in the front of the classroom, leads students to receive higher grades on exams. Win-win, am I right?

Hi. My iPad goes to sleep when I am viewing the feeds overview from all the devices in a particular device group, but it stays awake when I am viewing an individual feed within that group. This is a new iPad for me, and the Samsung tablet I had been using before would remain awake in either situation.

And leaning into that with hope, it seems to me, allows and enables us to keep living with a different kind of alertness even now. No, indeed, this is not an invitation to give up on the world with all of its pain, but to encounter it with ever clearer eyes. This means that one does not deny the pain in this place we find ourselves now. Keeping awake means that one acknowledges it, one weeps over it and with it and through it, one does what one can to alleviate it when we encounter it in others, and one entrusts it again and again to the One who has promised to return, perhaps sooner than we think. While many across the centuries have chosen to hide away and wait for the return of Christ, particularly if that return seems imminent, this call to stay awake is not to that. 2351a5e196

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