Mrs. Kealoha


The first syllable Keh rhymes with may, never Kee as in bee

I am so excited to meet you this year and might even have a few of you in a couple classes, or even over your duration here at MVMS. I will be teaching 6th grade Science, Math2, and STEM!

Through this site you will have access and easy links to online books, as well as homework lists, study guides and answer sheets. I will even provide links to videos and web pages that can provide some extra help for each class.

A little about me:

I am a huge 80's and 90's music fan and like to share this genre of music with my students. I have a lot of crazy collections: rocks, dirt, books, and board games. I enjoy finding fun hikes with my family. This summer we found Gnomes trail (here in Maple Valley) and Hansen Creek where we went rockhounding. I have been married for 16 years to my husband Josh. We have 3 kids in the Tahoma School District. Two at Glacier Park, and One here :) ! We are a football and futball lovin' family- Seahawks and Sounders, of course!

This is not a grade book. Please use SKYWARD to check on posted grades and missing assignments

Please use this link to email me if you have any questions or concerns. I also love hearing about projects that students do at home using what they have learned in class :)

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Maple View Middle School