Time: August 14, 2022, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Location: Washington DC Convention Center, 204A

Towards Adversarial Learning: from Evasion Attacks to Poisoning Attacks

at 28th SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Although deep neural networks (DNNs) have been successfully deployed in various real-world application scenarios, recent studies demonstrated that DNNs are extremely vulnerable to adversarial attacks. By introducing visually imperceptible perturbations into benign inputs, the attacker can manipulate a DNN model into providing wrong predictions. For practitioners who are applying DNNs into real-world problems, understanding the characteristics of different kinds of attacks will not only help them improve the robustness of their models, but also can help them have deeper insights into the working mechanism of DNNs. In this tutorial, we provide a comprehensive overview of the recent advances of adversarial learning, including both attack methods and defense methods. Specifically, we first give a detailed introduction of various types of evasion attacks, followed by a series of representative defense methods against evasion attacks. We then discuss different poison- ing attack methods, followed by several defense methods against poisoning attacks. In addition, besides introducing attack methods working in the digital setting, we also introduce attack methods de- signed for threatening physical world systems. Finally, we present DeepRobust, a PyTorch adversarial learning library which aims to build a comprehensive and easy-to-use platform to foster this research field. Via our tutorial, audience can grasp the main ideas of adversarial attacks and defenses and obtain a deep insight of the robustness of DNNs.

A three-hour talk about adversarial robustness

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Evasion Attacks & Defenses

2:30 pm- 2:40 pm

Coffee Break

2:40 pm-4:00 pm

Poisoning Attacks & Defenses


Tutorial paper:


Tutorial slides:


The Speakers

Wentao Wang

Michigan State University

Han Xu

Michigan State University

Yuxuan Wan

Michigan State University

Jie Ren

Michigan State University

Pengfei He

Michigan State University

Jiliang Tang

Michigan State University

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