Knowledge-based Data Discovery Lab
PI: Prof. Young-Duk Seo, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Inha Univ.
We conduct various data mining studies focusing on recommender systems with deep learning
Recommender systems for personalized and group recommendation with various deep learning techniques.
Data mining for analyzing data from IoT devices to find the hidden knowledge in smart home area.
Natural language processing for Korean language education.
Snack bar
Ice and water purifiers
Coffee machine
Various activities
한국연구재단 우수신진연구
게임이론과 그래프 신경망 기반의 저비용/고효율 그룹 추천 시스템 (2022.03 ~ 2025.02)
사람중심 인공지능 핵심 원천기술 개발사업
과기정통부 인공지능융합혁신인재양성사업 (2022.07 ~ 2026.12)
인공지능대학원(후속사업) 프로그램
과기정통부 인공지능융합혁신인재양성사업 (2022.07 ~ 2025.12)
한국연구재단 학제간융합연구지원사업
사용자 중심의 한국어 텍스트 분석 도구 (U-KTA) 개발 (2023.06 ~ 2026.05)
4단계 BK21사업 미래인재 양성사업
산업융합형 차세대 인공지능 혁신인재 교육연구단 (2020.09 ~ 2027.08)
Group Recommendation based on Game Theory and GNN
Improving the efficiency of a group recommender system using low-dimensional user and item features.
Maximizing the satisfaction for group users through recommendation results based on game theory.
Group recommender system based on graph neural networks for large groups.
Continual Learning, Knowledge Graph, and GNN for Personalized Recommendation
Integration of heterogeneous preference information on the personalized recommender system.
Representing a recommender system and inferring recommendations from a knowledge graph.
Continual learning for personalized recommender system based on graph neural networks.
Improving the Quality of Sensor Data in Smart Homes
An efficient calibration framework of low-cost sensors for daily life (SenDaL).
Detecting implicit information that cannot be physically sensed by a sensor.
Finding the new knowledge based on monitoring the sensors.
Natural Language Processing for Korean Language Education
Development of Transformer-based Korean morpheme analyzer.
Development of pre-training and fine-tuning models for Korean language education domain.