Kenwood TS-590SG - Digital Mode Setup
TS-590SG USB Digi Setup
I will attempt to walk through the steps needed to get a Kenwood TS-590SG configured for use via the built in sound card, using a USB A to B cable. These steps will apply to most OSes, linux, Windows and Mac with only minor variances between them. I will focus on the Fldigi software however the fundamentals here should get things moving for other purposes.
The audio settings instructions, rig at 100W always and controlling output power with the audio drive levels will work for PSK/Olivia etc as well as all the other modes like JS8Call, Packet, FT8, FT4, the concept is all the same thing for any radio.
Get a USB cable that is properly wired for all pins so CAT control and sound will all pass through it. I recommend looking for the TrippLite USB A to B cables (Amazon has them), they have ferrites on them and definitely work. You can lose your mind trying settings and not even know that there are wires not connected inside the cable you are using.
Go to the Kenwood site and download the USB driver (not needed for linux) for Windows or Mac. Follow the install instructions, don't have the radio connected during this step, and just to be sure, go ahead and reboot after the install completes.
Now connect the USB cable to the rig, power up the rig.
While you are at the Kenwood site, get the ARCP control software and install that too. Do this after the USB driver install. Follow the instructions and prompts for this. If you get the ARCP software responding, you are on the right track.
Optional, but since you are at it, download the firmware update from Kenwood as well and be sure you get the right version and follow those instructions carefully.
Go into the menu on the rig and set the following items
Menu 29 set to 2 (data filter, sets it so it is width and center frequency mode)
In mode 1, you can set the low and high pass frequencies, but the low can only go up to 1kHz and in digital mode it's kind of annoying. With option two you set the overall width and shift it left to right which I find more flexible for digital use.
Menu 33 Data RX filter low, set to 10Hz , you can set to whatever but this is the bottom end waterfall cutoff when the filter is wide open.
Menu 34 Data RX filter high cut, set to 3kHz , this is the top end waterfall cutoff with the filter wide open.
Menu 67 Com port baud rate : 115200 (this is for a serial db9 cable but set it anyway while here)
Menu 68 USB data baud rate: 115200 (this is for CAT control over USB)
Menu 69 Line for data comms: USB this selects USB for CAT control
Menu 71 Audio level for USB data for TX (how hot the drive audio is): 1 (it is a very hot level)
Menu 72 Audio level for USB data out for RX to the software: Varies but 5-7 is a ballpark, you will need to raise and lower based on band conditions.
Menu 73 and 74 I have set to 0, it's the audio levels for the ACC port connector.
Menu 75 and 76 to off since they aren't in use.
POWER THE RIG OFF AND ON AGAIN, the data rate settings require a restart, check the menu again and be sure all your settings are there now.
After these steps you should have
USB driver working
ARCP software able to communicate and control the radio
All menu items set to be functional
You should now be able to see sound devices with a name something close to USB Audio Codec for both an input and an output device.
You should also see COM port devices, such as COM4 or COM5 in Windows or /dev/tty/USB0 or /dev/tty/USB1 in linux as examples.
If you don't see the sound devices or COM ports with the rig on and plugged in, something is wrong with the drivers or other OS level permissions issues etc. If they aren't visible, the rest of this will not work
Set the audio devices in Fldigi
In Fldigi Go to Configure -> Config Dialog
Go to Soundcard -> Devices
Check the PortAudio box and select the name of the USB Audio Codec device for Capture and Playback.
Set the Rig Control in FLdigi
For Fldigi using Rig-CAT as the control option (this allows fldigi to directly sync with the rig for tuning frequencies, without any other utility)
Go to Configure -> Config Dialog
Go to Rig Control -> CAT (rigcat)
Download the rigcat TS590S.xml file here and save it somewhere
For "Rig description file" click Open and point to where you saved the TS590s.xml file
Configure the options as shown in this image, your Device will likely have a different name, COM4 or /dev/ttyUSB0. If you can't find a device there, go back to the driver and cable installation process.
At this point, click Initialize in the configuration dialog. If your rig is working, the frequency of the rig should show in the main fldigi window. You should be able to turn the rig VFO and fldigi should update and you should be able to click or mousewheel over the digits in fldigi and the rig will follow as well.
If you click "Tune" at the very top right of fldigi (be sure you are on a dummy load), the rig should click into TX, you should see the TX LED go red. Unclick the button to stop sending.
Make sure the "Use RigCAT" checkbox at the top of the dialog is checked. If it unchecks itself, the comms are not working with the rig.
If this isn't working, again, go back to the initial cable/driver steps, if you have a Windows box, use ARCP and work until you get it controlling the rig. For linux, check your system logs for any errors around device permissions or other issues when you plug and unplug the radio from the PC.
This is my preferred configuration, simply because I have no other real use for rig control when running fldigi. The rig really becomes an appliance extension of the software as you operate.
Configure your audio drive levels for TX and RX
If you look at the navigation menu for the site here, I have two articles, one is soundcard level setup in detail and also general digital mode operating tips that should be worth reading.
Switch to dummy load or if you must do this on the air, use a band that is mostly dead for the time of day, e.g. 160m in the daytime or 10m in an oddball spot. Be sure the antenna is tuned for TX.
At the top right of fldigi, as a test click the "tune" button, make sure the rig transmits, the LED will go red, and unclick it to stop again.
Two menus you will want to remember for controlling audio for TX and RX. Menu 71 is the TX drive level, this will control your power output as you operate. Menu 72 is your RX level and controls your receive audio level back to the software and waterfall..
Set Menu 71 to 1, this is because this is a very hot line. This is the audio drive OUT to the rig, you will control this via fldigi.
Set Menu 72 to somewhere like level 5 to start off. Depending on your noise floor and band conditions you may need to raise this or lower this.
Each software has its own controls for audio in and audio out but these two menus are where it starts.
With the PWR button on the rig, set rig power to 100W. Always 100W, you now control your output power via the audio drive levels in fldigi or other software you are using. If the software doesn't have controls, you use the sound mixer for the device in your operating system to adjust this.
For all modes and bands except for RTTY, set the rig into USB mode and click the DATA key. This keeps your filtering and other settings separate from normal USB operating.
In Windows go to Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Manage Audio Devices.
Be SURE that the USB Audio CODEC device is NOT set as Default Device for either Recording or Playback or they will play back all the bleeps and boops from your OS over the air or you will play radio noises over conference calls too.
In the Sound devices control panel, go to the Recording tab. (This is your RX audio/waterfall level)
Select the USB Audio Codec device that appeared when you set up the cable to the rig. Click on it and
click Properties. While you are here, you can rename this device to something like "TS590 Waterfall Level", you will need to restart Fldigi to re-select this device if you already configred it.
Go to the Levels tab in Properties. Slide the level to 54 (this is a rough estimate)
Click on Apply
In the Sound devices control panel, go to the Playback tab. (This is your TX audio drive/output power level)
Select the USB Audio Codec device that appeared when you set up the cable to the rig. Click on it and
click Properties, While you are here, you can rename this device to something like "TS590 Drive Level", you need to restart Fldigi and re-select this device though.
Go to the Levels tab in Properties. Slide the level to 0
Click Apply and click OK
You are now at a baseline level where the rest of the settings should just fall in line.
In Fldigi, at the very lower right corner, to the left of the AFC button there is a box with a number in it and arrows on either side. This is the TX level attenuator control. Click the double arrows until it reads 0.
Go back to the Sound devices control panel in the Playback tab, select the USB Audio Codec for the rig. Click on the Tune button at the top right corner of Fldigi, while the rig is transmitting, go back to the operating system sound device controls and set the sound level one click at a time until you see the desired maximum output level you will use with the rig. I highly recommend you don't run more than 50W and I wouldn't run that for very long. Now when operating, simply click the TX level attenuator box at the bottom right corner of fldigi to set your power level during operating.
You will now be able to go from almost 0W output up to whatever you set as your maximum and if you followed this correctly there will be ZERO ALC indication right up to 100W and you will have a very clean TX signal on the waterfall. If you are seeing ALC, double check that the rig power level is set at 100W. Your power output in digital modes is controlled through that attenuation control in the lower right corner of Fldigi.
For the RX audio level, put the antenna on the air, tune up for the band spot. Turn the AGC OFF on the rig by pushing and holding the CWT button at the top right on the rig front panel. Make sure your RF Gain is all the way clockwise (open).
Now Go to the sound control panel for recording device and set the level for the codec to 0. Adjust Menu 72 to 1.
Now while watching the VU meter at the bottom center of fldigi , click the level of the codec up one level at a time until you see that VU meter reading at -50 or a bit towards -40 on an empty band pass with no signals in it.
If the diamond indicator is black you have too little RX audio coming into the software and it will not decode well
If the diamond indicator is hard yellow or red, you have too much RX audio and it will not decode well.
You should run with AGC off most of the time for digital modes. If you turn AGC on and check the meter, you want to see at least some meter activity, if there is none, on higher bands 30m and up, you may want to turn the preamp on with the PRE button at the top left of the rig front panel. 40m and lower, most of the time, no preamp is needed or wanted.
Now that you are adjusted you can turn AGC back on if you wish, I highly recommend using Fast mode with the timing set very fast (low numbers) for digital. With AGC on, if a strong signal comes in, it can pump the signal you are trying to decode into the noise floor, this is why I turn AGC OFF.
Remember YOU HAVE FILTERS. The TS-590SG has great DSP filters, the mode I had you set for, you have two controls. The inner knob is the shift, it sets the center frequency for the filter, generally you want 1500Hz. The outer ring sets the width. If you set filters too tight it will interfere with decoding. For Olivia 8/1000 as an example I set to allow about 200Hz either side 1200-1500 Hz width. You want a visible stripe to either side of the signal and the signal centered in the filter gap.
Filters knock out adjacent interfering signals, as a great example, go to 14.070 these days, there are piles of horribly mashed up Winlink and FT8 signals that encroach on half the passband for PSK now. If you run filters you will be able to hear the tuned station a whole lot better and decode a lot more accurately.
My usual mode of operating is to have the IF Fil A setting on the rig to wide open from 500-2500 Hz to look for signals. Once I connect with a station, I narrow the filters to surround the width of the mode I'm using with them. If I'm setting up to call CQ, I look around with IF FIL in A mode to find a spot, then I start to call CQ. I click IF FIL to B and I narrow the filters down to a bit wider than the mode I'm calling CQ with.
If you set IF FIL A to wide and B (when you click IF FIL it toggles them) to narrower it's easy to toggle quickly to open the waterfall for a look around.
The Shorthand Summary
Rig PWR set to 100W, rig in USB DATA mode, USB + DATA button.
TX output power controlled by sending a Tune in Fldigi and clicking the attenuation control at the far lower right corner until you see the drive power out that you want to use. (Windows this is the Playback device in the control panel)
RX audio level is set in Menu 72, clicking gradually up or down until the VU meter shows -50 to -40 on an empty pass band.
If TX or RX levels aren't working go back to the instructions for the OS device mixer levels in the audio control panel above.
An Alternate Way To Set TX Levels
There are different ways to balance your levels to achieve the goal. Here is another option that will ensure you aren't mashing into the ALC compressing and limiting the dynamics of your signal.
Rig to 100W PWR output
Set the FLdigi attenuator, the drive level number for TX in the far lower right corner of FLdigi to zero (0). This is the max drive level from the software
Using a dummy load or a tuned antenna connection, send a tune signal
Adjust the operating system device level for the audio drive to the rig while sending tune.
Set that level until the rig is indicating full output power with NO ALC indication at all
With a Signalink USB you can set your TX level knob to 12 o'clock and make the same adjustment with the operating system controls for the sound device.
You have set it so that you won't ever hit ALC while using FLdigi to control your output power
Now simply reduce the attenuator setting numbers in Fldigi (Drive TX in the image above) while sending a tune signal until you see the desired output power (25W on a 100W rig as an example).
This will give you QRP to full output via Fldigi controls without any ALC deflection and the resulting signal issues from it.