About Me


my name is Kassandra Beckmann, and I am a Graphic Designer currently freelancing in the Fox Valley area. I love design because it's insanely satisfying to organize chaos into something beautiful.

I have been "embracing chaos" in one form or another since a very young age. After all these years, one constant that has remained is my love and appreciation for color. I dream in vivid colors, and admittedly napping is part of my design process. I will exhaust my brain running through potential ideas and eventually fall asleep with purpose. After a vibrant and deep slumber, I awake with clarity and a rush of inspiration to start the project.

I want viewers to feel excited when they see my work, and I aim to achieve that through bright colors, playful patterns, and expressive textures. In the future, I hope to design for brands that are honest, kind, bold, and fun. I have a particular interest in package design and brand identity. Visit my contact page if you'd like to start a project with me.

KBeckmann_google site_resume.pdf