Ramah Day Camp Greater DC presents…
Zimkudiyah 2022
Kavod La Teva
כבוד לטבע
Respect Nature
Written and Directed by Naomi Gerstenblith, Curtain Up Creative LLC
This year our theme is Ahavat Ha’adamah, love of the earth. Campers have been learning about this value during Yahadut and in our daily camp activities such as Teva (nature), Omanut (art), and Mada (science).
This year's Zimkudiyah is a celebration of our theme. In our musical production called, Kavod La Teva/ Respect Nature we follow a group of Ramah campers who visit the fictional Camp Ninveh. The name of the camp, "Ninveh" alludes to the biblical city of sinners in the story of Jonah and the whale. At Camp Ninveh, campers are found littering, not recycling, and don’t understand the concepts of a mitzvah or of Shabbat. Ramah campers gladly teach them how to be good citizens of the earth, how to show appreciation for all living things, and to care for the environment.
The Ramah campers teach these lessons through joyful songs and dances! You may recognize some familiar tunes although the lyrics have been changed to fit our theme. We have included the lyrics to all of the songs so that you can better follow along. See below and enjoy!
A Note From Rabbi Jill
Dear Families,
We are so excited to come together once again for our Zimkudiyah tradition. Our last performance was in 2019 at camp. We decided to add some new features to our Zimkudiyah as we Rebooted for 2022. First, this year we are connecting the show with our summer theme. Our hope is that this performance will carry the value from camp into your homes for conversation on how your family can work together to live the value of Ahavat Ha’Adamah year round.
Second, we moved the Zimkudiyah from camp to the JDS Upper School. This was a difficult decision as we LOVE to show off our amazing camp. At the same time, we know that camp is the community and JDS provides a better sound system and mitigated the risk of cancelling due to weather.
I am grateful to our campers and staff for putting their hearts into this event. We are also so thankful to Naomi and her team for working with us and making this a fun and positive experience for everyone.
Finally, thank you to all of you for trusting us with your children and enabling this to be a celebration of our sacred and unique Ramah community.
Enjoy the show,
Rabbi Jill
SONG 1: COLORS OF THE WIND (entering 3rd Etzim)
You think you own whatever land you play on
But earth is not just something you can claim
We must respect and give kavod to teva
Because all the land belongs just to Hashem
The land of Israel rich with vegetation
The olive tree, the sabra and rimon
We harvest and respect the agriculture
Even from afar, Yisrael’s our home
Have you ever held the lulav, in your sukkah
Or smelled the etrog’s fragrance oh so strong
It’s the natural elements that surround us
And to disrespect the teva would be wrong
We will praise hashem, please hear our song
Come run thru the sands of the Negev
Come taste the sweet tamarim from the earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once you must appreciate their worth
We pray for geshem every season
The olive tree, the sabra are our friends
And if you ever needed a good reason
We’re connected in a loop that never ends
How high is the Jerusalem etz
If you cut it down, then you must replace
And you think about the lulav in your sukkah
And smell the etrog’s fragrance oh so strong
We honor the natural elements that surround us
And to disrespect the teva would be wrong
True this is your camp but still
You must give kavod until
Forever, respect the teva, yes we will
(Anafim and Shorashim- Shaar groups)
ארץ ישראל שלי יפה וגם פורחת
מי בנה ומי נטע?
כולנו ביחד!
אני בניתי בית בארץ ישראל
אז יש לנו ארץ
ויש לנו בית בארץ ישראל
ארץ ישראל שלי יפה וגם פורחת
מי בנה ומי נטע?
כולנו ביחד!
אני נטעתי עץ בארץ ישראל -
אז יש לנו ארץ,
ויש לנו בית,
ויש לנו עץ בארץ ישראל.
ארץ ישראל שלי יפה וגם פורחת
מי בנה ומי נטע?
כולנו ביחד!
אני סללתי כביש בארץ ישראל -
אז יש לנו ארץ,
ויש לנו בית,
ויש לנו עץ,
ויש לנו כביש בארץ ישראל.
ארץ ישראל שלי יפה וגם פורחת
מי בנה ומי נטע?
כולנו ביחד!
אני בניתי גשר בארץ ישראל -
אז יש לנו ארץ,
ויש לנו בית,
ויש לנו עץ,
ויש לנו כביש,
ויש לנו גשר בארץ ישראל.
ארץ ישראל שלי יפה וגם פורחת
מי בנה ומי נטע?
כולנו ביחד!
אני חיברתי שיר בארץ ישראל -
אז יש לנו ארץ,
ויש לנו בית,
ויש לנו עץ,
ויש לנו כביש,
ויש לנו גשר,
ויש לנו שיר על ארץ ישראל
My Israel is pretty and is flourishing
Who built it, and who planted trees?
All of us together!
I built a house, in Eretz Yisrael
So we have a country
And we have a house, in the land of Israel.
I planted a tree, in Eretz Yisrael –
And we have a tree, in the land of Israel.
I paved a road, in Eretz Yisrael –
And we have a road, in the land of Israel!
I built a bridge, In Eretz Yisrael –
And we have a bridge, in the land of Israel!
I wrote a song, in the Eretz Yisrael -
So we have a country
And we have a house,
And we have a tree,
And we have a road,
And we have a bridge,
And we have a song to the land of Israel!
(entering 2nd Negev)
We have to respect the water
The rivers, the sea, and lake
You think you can take for granted
But that is a big mistake
Just honor the world around you
The water for us to drink
We know just what we should do
It’s time that you stop to think
Honor the sea, honor the sea
We’ve got the spirit
And you should hear it
Take it from me
We love the ocean and the sand
And so we must take a stand
All your devotion, put into motion
Honor the sea
Protect all the fish and creatures
As off through the waves they roll
We can’t just pollute the oceans
Pollution will take its toll
But yes, we do have the power
To improve our fate
We’ll make the water cleaner
Hurry no time to wait
Honor the sea, honor the sea
Protect the dagim
Down in the mayim
Take it from me
We love the ocean and the sand
and so we must take a stand
all your devotion put into motion
honor the sea
Honor the sea
Protect the dagim
down in the mayim
Take it from me
We love the ocean and the sand
and so we must take a stand
We've got the spirit
and you should hear it
Honor the sea!
(entering 1st Devorim and Hatulim)
Shomrei chayot
What a beautiful phrase
Shomrei chayot
Ain’t no passing craze
It means we’re guardians for the rest of our days
Let the animals be
It’s our philosophy
Shomrei chayot
Group 1: Why, whether lions or the warthog
Group 2: Yes even the warthog
Group 1: very nice
Group 2: thanks
Group 1: We respect all living creatures, that is the deal
Group 2: We share our land with them, that’s how we feel
Group 1: And we’re humane in every way
Group 2: and we’ll continue to hope and pray
Group 1: for harmony
Group 2: with every species
Counselor 1: and even in kashrut
Counselor 2: Hey, not in front of the kids
Counselor 1: Oy slicha!
Shomrei chayot
What a beautiful phrase
Shomrei chayot
Ain’t no passing craze
It means we’re guardians for the rest of our days
Let the animals be
It’s our philosophy
Shomrei chayot
SONG 4: TREE SONG by Debbie Friedman
(entering K Shorashim)
Let’s dig a hole
Let’s dig a hole and plant a seed
Let’s water, it oh let’s water it
When it is Tu Bishvat
Look at the sprouts
Look at the sprouts they’re coming up
Let’s water them, oh let’s water them
When it is Tu Bishvat
Trees are blowing in the wind, they’re blowing
Trees are blowing in the wind woosh
Trees are blowing in the wind, they’re blowing
Trees are blowing in the wind
Look at the leaves,
Look at the leaves they’re growing now
Let’s water them, oh let’s water them
When it is Tu Bishvat
Look at the trunk
The trunk is so much bigger now
Let’s water it, oh let’s water it
When it is Tu Bishvat
Look at the tree
The tree is so much taller now
Let’s water it, oh let’s water it
When it is Tu Bishvat
Trees are blowing in the wind, they’re blowing
Trees are blowing in the wind woosh
Trees are blowing in the wind, they’re blowing
Trees are blowing in the wind
Just look at me
Just look at me, I’m taller now
Don’t water me, please don’t water me
When it is Tu Bishvat
Don’t water me, please don’t water me
When it is Tu Bishvat
SONG 5: SHABBAT LIGHT (entering 2nd Kinneret and Hermon)
Every week, pausing for a moment
Every week, reflect and look within
Take your time, thinking and praying
Let the peace sink in
On Shabbat, resting and recharging
On Shabbat, suddenly we see
That a break, is good to take
Shabbat was meant to be
V’nadlik nerot Shabbat
And it’s like the stress has lifted
V’nadlik nerot Shabbat
And have challah and kiddush
And it’s warm and sweet and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
Shabbat light makes everything look different
Shabbat is good for you
Every day, using and consuming
Every day, busy as a bee
All that time, never truly seeing
What Shabbat can be
On Shabbat, limiting resources
On Shabbat, we don’t cook, we don’t drive
Starts at night, and just feels right
It helps us feel alive
V’nadlik nerot Shabbat
And it’s like the stress has lifted
V’nadlik nerot Shabbat
And have challah and kiddush
And it’s warm and sweet and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
Shabbat light makes everything look different
Shabbat is good for you
Shabbat is good for you
(Garinim and Nitzanim Shaar groups)
כאן ביתי פה אני נולדתי במישור אשר על שפת הים,
כאן החברים איתם גדלתי,
ואין לי שום מקום אחר בעולם.
אין לי שום מקום אחר בעולם.
כאן ביתי פה אני שיחקתי בשפלה אשר על גב ההר,
כאן מן הבאר שתיתי מים,
ושתלתי דשא במדבר,
ושתלתי דשא במדבר.
כאן נולדתי, כאן נולדו לי ילדיי,
כאן בניתי את ביתי בשתי ידיי,
כאן גם אתה איתי, וכאן כל אלף ידידיי
ואחרי שנים אלפיים סוף לנדודיי.
כאן את כל שיריי אני ניגנתי,
והלכתי במסע לילי,
כאן בנעוריי אני הגנתי על חלקת האלוהים שלי
על חלקת האלוהים שלי.
כאן נולדתי, כאן נולדו לי ילדיי,
כאן בניתי את ביתי בשתי ידיי,
כאן גם אתה איתי, וכאן כל אלף ידידיי
ואחרי שנים אלפיים סוף לנדודיי.
כאן את שולחני אני ערכתי, פת של לחם פרח רענן,
דלת לשכנים אני פתחתי,
ומי שבא נאמר לו:"אהלן"
ומי שבא נאמר לו: "אהלן"
כאן נולדתי, כאן נולדו לי ילדיי,
כאן בניתי את ביתי בשתי ידיי,
כאן גם אתה איתי, וכאן כל אלף ידידיי
ואחרי שנים אלפיים,
אחרי שנים אלפיים
כאן נולדתי, כאן נולדו לי ילדיי,
כאן בניתי את ביתי בשתי ידיי,
כאן גם אתה איתי, וכאן כל אלף ידידיי
ואחרי שנים אלפיים סוף לנדודיי.
כאן גם אתה איתי, וכאן כל אלף ידידיי
ואחרי שנים אלפיים סוף סוף לנדודי
Here I set my table, a piece of bread,
and a beautiful flower.
A door to my neighbors I opened,
And to those who come we'll say "welcome."
And to those who come we'll say "welcome."
I was born here, my children were born here,
Here I built my house with both my hands,
Here you're with me,
and all my thousand of friends,
And after two thousand years,
And after two thousand years.
I was born here, my children were born here,
Here I built my house with both my hands,
Here you're with me,
and all my thousand of friends,
And my wanderings are over after two thousand years.
Here you're with me,
and all my thousand of friends,
And my wanderings are over after two thousand years.
Here is my home where I was born,
on the plains just by the sea,
Here are my friends with whom I grew up,
And there's no other place in the world for me.
No other place in the world for me.
Here is my home where I frolicked,
in the land that's beyond the heights,
Here from the well I drank water,
And planted grass in the wastes,
And planted grass in the wastes.
I was born here, my children were born here,
Here I built my house with both my hands,
Here you're with me,
and all my thousand of friends,
And my wanderings are over after two thousand years.
Here I played all of my songs,
And went out on a night journey.
Here in my youth I protected,
this piece of God given land.
This piece of God given land.
SONG 6: GOLDEN BOY/ TEVA (entering 1st Gemalim and Nesherim)
Teva, we can’t take for granted
All the trees we planted, are for the good, whoa
Teva, we can’t take for granted
Now we’re gonna teach you all, how to show kavod
Plant a tree, or recycle all the plastic stuff
Don’t just throw away, re-use it
We don’t litter, and we conserve the water
We respect all we see around us
Yes we must respect the teva
And we will do it forever
Te te teva, te te teva
We believe it’s a requirement
To appreciate our environment
Keep it up now, 3, 2, 1, hey
We are Jewish kids, and we must commit
To respect our earth, we know what it’s worth
We are Jewish kids, and we must commit
To plant and till, and you know we will
Plant a tree, or recycle all the plastic stuff
Don’t just throw away, re-use it
We believe it’s a requirement
To appreciate our environment
Keep it up now 3, 2, 1, hey
We are Jewish kids, and we must commit
To respect our earth, we know what it’s worth
We are Jewish kids, and we must commit
To plant and till, and you know we will
This is how we do it
This is how we do it
SONG 7: CIRCLE OF LIFE (entering 4th/5th/6th grade Nitzanim)
Zeh chashoov l’kabed et hateva (x9) זה חשוב לכבד את הטבע
From the day we arrive on the planet
And, blinking step into the sun
There’s more to see, than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
There’s far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round
Zeh galgal hachayim זה גלגל החיים
M’taltel otanu מטלטל אותנו
Bain y’oosh litikvah בין ייאוש לתקווה
L’ahava לאהבה
Ohd neemtza bo makom עד נמצא בו מקום
B’darchei ein pesher בדרכי אין פשר
Oovapitulim, shel galgal hachayim ובפיתולים של גלגל החיים
Camp Ramah Song שיר רמה
בבוקר קם פרפר ועף מעבר לגדר
סימן שבא השמש, צהריים.
אתמול ירדו גשמים ולא הפסיקו לדקה,
הכל רטוב, הכל כבר השתנה…
(Oh Baby)
טוב לראות את השמש
טוב לי לחייך
טוב לי לשיר את השירה
טוב כשהשמיים כחול וקצת לבן
טוב לי במחנה רמה.
Ba-boker kam parpar ve-af me’ever legader,
Siman she-ba ha-shemesh, zohorayim.
Etmol yardu geshamim ve-lo hifsiku le-daka,
Hakol ratov, ha-kol kvar hishtana.
(Oh baby,)
Tov lir’ot hashemesh, tov li lechayech,
Tov li lashir et ha-shira…
Tov ke’she’hashamayim kachol u-ketzat lavan,
Tov li be-Machaneh Ramah