We recently tinctured fresh Kava kava (Piper methysticum) root. I purchased the fresh roots (primary and lateral roots) from Adaptations in Hawaii. They came second day air and on the following day we tinctured them up.

I use Kava kava tincture in a number of ways; as an anxiolytic (anxiety reducing), a sleep aid, and an inebriant (a disinhibitor of sorts). It is very idiosyncratic in its effects and some folks will enjoy the relaxing/ sedative qualities while others will find it disagreeable.

Kava Kava Song Download

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Mood shift! In the second half of the album Kava Kon start to settle in familiar Exotica territory with slower beats, dreamy percussion and lush synth strings. Track six, The Killing River (Without The Sun, Moon, Or Stars), features a beautifully haunting female singer, a reverberated steel guitar and a tambourine. A mystic mood with lurking danger is evoked. The following track, Behind The Sun, is a very good track, with the welcome introduction of vibraphones to the mix, laid-back percussion and short bursts of a synth choir. After 2 minutes, the percussion is intensified with maracas while whiplash-and-horse samples, eagle cries, an electric guitar and long notes on a rock organ can be heard. The last third of the song swells down again, resembling the starting point before fading out with wind noises.

Palace Of The Tiger Women is another Middle Eastern song with the addition of a harp and marimbas. The haunting flute melody is accompanied by female chants. Enter Pacifica 66, which is a killer track. Reverberated three-note vibraphone structures, a horrific conga percussion and three layers of female vocals with occasionally added laser sounds make this the mellowest track. A great idea is the 70-second Ambient intermission which is added to the end of the song: relaxing ocean waves and a melody quietly plucked on a distant acoustic guitar let me beg for more sounds of this kind. Another stormer follows thereafter: Polynesia Poppies resumes the atmosphere of Pacifica 66 with a brighter touch. The vibraphone is now the standout instrument, and chinese gongs and chirping birds are added to the mix. I also dig the ukulele. This is simply my favorite song by Kava Kon, the relaxing atmosphere lets me include Polynesia Poppies time and again in my playlist.

"Jabba Flow" was a Huttese song performed by Shag Kava, a traveling band comprised of musicians Taybin Ralorsa, Infrablue Zedbeddy Coggins, Ubert "Sticks" Quaril, and Sudswater Dillifay Glon. Named after Jabba the Hutt, "Jabba Flow" had repetitive lyrics and instrumentals consisting of a hypolliope horn cluster, a seven-string hallikset, and a xyloxan. In the year 34 ABY, Shag Kava performed "Jabba Flow" at Takodana Castle on the planet Takodana, following-up with "Dobra Doompa."

A lyrical song performed in Huttese, "Jabba Flow" was named after Jabba Desilijic Tiure,[4] a Hutt crime lord.[5] It's opening verse began by repeating "Oh, Jabba," followed by a repeated "No bata tu tu, muni, muni," which roughly translated as "No, lover, lover. It wasn't me,"[4] in Galactic Basic Standard. The song featured mellow instrumentals, which included a hypolliope horn cluster, a seven-string hallikset, and a xyloxan.[2]

In the year 34 ABY,[3] "Jabba Flow" was performed in the castle of pirate queen Maz Kanata on the planet Takodana by the traveling musicians of the band Shag Kava: Taybin Ralorsa, Infrablue Zedbeddy Coggins, Ubert "Sticks" Quaril, and Sudswater Dillifay Glon. During the performance, Ralorsa provided vocals, Coggins played the hypolliope horn cluster, Quaril played the xyloxan, and Glon played the seven-string hallikset.[2] After playing for a short time, they were briefly interrupted when the notorious smuggler Han Solo entered, gaining the attention of patrons. Following their performance of "Jabba Flow," the quartet played the song "Dobra Doompa."[1]

"Kava Kava Root + Poppy Seeds = Stress Box" by MF DOOM & MF Grimm seems to be about the struggles of an artist in the music industry, particularly concerning financial gain and personal relationships. The song touches on themes of isolation, mistrust, and the importance of focusing on self-preservation in the face of constant setbacks.

Overall, "Kava Kava Root + Poppy Seeds = Stress Box" appears to be a commentary on the complex and often conflicting pressures facing artists in the modern age. The song highlights the importance of staying true to oneself in the face of external pressures and urges listeners to prioritize their own well-being above all else.

This workshop will be every other week with a open jam/song swap happening every off-week in between. Following this workshop each week is Vintage Kava Nights by the Fire where you can test out your new song by the fire or just hang out. 2351a5e196

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